I was so disappointed when Amy Levine closed her fabulous store on Main street, It’s In the Bag. But how delighted I was to pass by today and see a young woman hard at work inside and a sign on the window: “Coming Soon! Island Music.” This will definitely be a welcome addition to our town.
In other town changes, did you know our library is now open on Sundays through March from noon to 4 p.m.? Mocha Mott’s has donated regular and decaf coffee. Cookies are being served along with it in the downstairs room. This is a great opportunity for those who work every other day of the week and for the procrastinators who have term papers due.
In conjunction with the Under the Burqa series, led by Dr. James Norton at the library, a free movie is being shown tomorrow at 2 p.m. The film, made about 1938 India, tracks an 8-year-old girl with a predestined life plan. All are welcome.
The children’s programs continue, infants to 2 years old are entertained Tuesdays at 10 a.m., with stories, songs and rhymes. Toddlers to 5-years-olds enjoy the show at 11 a.m. Chess club for ages 6 through high school also meet on Tuesdays from 6 to 7 p.m. The older kids enjoy stories and crafts on Thursdays from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. And on Thursdays from 6 to 7:30 p.m., children age 12 and up enjoy game night. Watch this space and your community calendar for special events.
Kennedy Studios on Main street still has a few agricultural fair posters left. Stop in and grab yours before they are gone. Twelve winning posters from our past fairs — what could be better?
I had a lovely telephone call last Sunday from the inimitable Nancy Luederman, actress, poet, writer, artist and Jill of all trades. She remembered that it was Beau Haskell’s birthday. As we are both Beau aficionados, she took the time to call me and we reminisced about our dearly departed friend. They don’t make them like Beau, or Nancy, for that matter, any more. How thoughtful of Nancy to ring me up.
If you need to get out of the winter doldrums — and who doesn’t? — call the Tisbury Senior Center at 508-696-4205 and sign up for the limited seats still available for the Tisbury Travel Club’s trip to the Rhode Island Spring Garden and Flower Show. The trip is on Thursday, Feb. 21. Please note, the travel club is open to all grown-ups: senior age status does not apply. For a mere $36, you get the show, round trip bus and driver, and a special cooking demonstration by chef Robert Castagna instructing you in how to prepare your garden crop artistically. The theme this year is Fairy Tales. The presentation is at the Rhode Island Convention Center, which is connected to the Providence Place Mall. There will be time to shop at the mall after the show. Can’t beat it with a stick.
Our condolences go out to Clara Rabbitt and her family on the death of Leslie Felix. This close-knit clan is pulling together to weather their great loss.
I was pleased to see Clara and so many of our town favorites at the polls last Tuesday. I was also extremely pleased to hear on the news that this has been a record-breaking year for the youngsters to vote. Even if they don’t vote my way, it’s so much better than those boring years of apathy.
Our Martha’s Vineyard Film Society, continuing its Japanese theme, presents The Great Happiness Space — Tale of an Osaka Love Thief at the Katharine Cornell Theatre tomorrow at 7:30 p.m.
You all know our town artist, Anne D. Grandin. She has a show opening tomorrow at the Depot Square Gallery, 1837 Massachusetts avenue in Lexington. The show, Spirit Walkers, is a tribute to Native Americans. The opening reception will be tomorrow from 2 to 5:30 p.m. If you plan to be in that neck of the woods tomorrow, check it out and give Anne my regards. The show runs through March 1.
My birthday section was cut from my column last week; I hope all you celebrants had a happy day. But I particularly want to mention one of my best students from Belarus, Alena Shisko. Lena celebrated her first birthday in the United states, as well as her first Groundhog Day. She is a beautiful, hardworking girl, anxious to advance her English so she may continue with her dental-hygienist studies. We wish her many happy returns and continued success.
The birthday bandwagon pulls along Dianne McDonough and Jeffrey Masi Sr. today. Tomorrow is claimed by Justin Smith. Feb. 10 honors James Johnson, Ian Ridgeway and Jainba Burton-Soundman. Feb. 11 is for Joao Prata, Judy Pachico, Sabrina Leuning, Zadec Moreis and Katie Weisman. Feb. 12 is memorable for Abe Lincoln, Nat Benjamin, Sancy Pratt, Sukhi Bahal and Hannah Van Osten. Feb. 13 honors Chole Nolan, Brenda Campbell, Kristen Daly, Fiona Catherine Mayhew, Tom Buchart and Linda Amaral Dickson. And on Feb. 14, Tim Clark, Ray Whitaker, Linda Jannace O’Leary, Alan Hirschberg and Gayle Stiller take the cake. Many happy returns.
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