School Committee Schedules

Interviews for Principal

The final four candidates for the position of principal of Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School will visit the school on Friday, Feb. 15 and Tuesday, Feb. 19.

Two candidates will visit each day. The visits will culminate in interviews before members of the school committee.

The committee will interview Stephen Nixon at 4 p.m. and Stephen Collins at 5:30 p.m. on Feb. 15, and Eileen Coppola at 4 p.m. and Arthur Arpin at 5:30 p.m. Feb. 19.

The committee will conduct the interviews in the high school library. The public is invited. The school also has asked that MVTV tape and broadcast these interviews.

Any citizen wishing to comment on the candidates may obtain a feedback form at the school or at the superintendent’s office. Comments also may be e-mailed to the superintendent at