It seems that March has come in like a lamb, so beware the end of the month. The warm days are inspiring and making some of us itchy to get outside and start digging and raking.
The special town meeting this past Monday night was well attended and after some thoughtful questions were asked and answered, the citizens approved the three warrant items freeing monies for the purchase of land to improve the affordable home sites.
It is with delight that I tell you of the birth of Sarah and Aaron Bennett’s second son, Scott Mosher Bennett, on March 1 in Providence, R.I. Proud grandparents are Herb and Jane Slater of Menemsha and David and Sheila Bennett of Attleboro. Herb and I journeyed to Providence on Sunday to welcome Scott and enjoy the hospital visit that included a visit with Scott’s one-year-old brother, Jack. Scott weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces, and is 20 1/2 inches long. We look forward to introducing him to all our Vineyard relatives and friends over Memorial Day weekend.
School is back in session and many families are settling in after off-Island vacations. Jim and Diane Morgan, along with their children Lily and Alistair, traveled to Sunday Mountain in Vermont with Matt and Patty Poole and their children Natalie, Alex and Benjamin. Chris Stein and his son, Tye, were also in the party. The 12 inches of snow insured a good time for all.
A flea market is set for the community center tomorrow, Saturday, March 8 beginning at 9:30 a.m.
The Chilmark library’s Wednesday program for March 12 will be a cooking demonstration by Jan Buhrman who will show us how to use preserved lemons and create traditional Moroccan dishes. All are welcome and there is no charge for these weekly hour-long programs sponsored by the Friends of the Library. They begin at 5:30 p.m.
The Chilmark Community Church will host two more Tuesday soup and salad dinners on March 11 and 18. They are served to all who come from 5 to 6 p.m. at the fellowship hall behind the church.
The traditional Easter Egg Hunt will take place at the Chilmark Church beginning at 10:30 a.m., Easter Sunday, March 23.
Mark your calendars for the film festival that will be held at the community center on March 15 and 16. There will be free movies for children at the Chilmark library meeting room, part of the festival’s program for all ages.
Michael Lieberman is hard at work getting the former Menemsha Café ready for the seasons to come. When I learn of an opening date, I will pass it along.
We were happy to see Pat Jenkinson out and about this week. He is at his North Road home recovering from recent surgery. We all send him best wishes.
We send condolences this week to the family and many friends of Patricia Nanon who died last week in New York city. Patricia was the founder of The Yard, the dance group that has been an important addition to the Chilmark summer season for many years. She was also an acclaimed dancer and choreographer. We shall all miss her.
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