She was a mail-order bride. Lady Angelique Beaverbrook of Vermont was sent for to be the wife of Lord Maxwell Beaverbrook of Massachusetts. Four-year-old Max had waited patiently for a companion, a wife, and another Lhasa Apso to be the mother of his children. His qualities of calmness, loyalty, and playfulness were much appreciated by the sprite-like new bride.
And so they came to live together on Leonard Circle and be the best of friends. Bill and Debbie Little graciously welcomed the couple to their home and took loving care of them. In the first few weeks, the rebel Angelique took over Max’s bed and toys. His cute little nose was out of joint until Billy Jr. bought him another crate and more toys. The couple settled in. Angelique was little, but, oh! she had a personality bigger than a rottweiler. She fiercely protected her husband, Max, and I know from my daily walks by her house with my female lab cross, Haley, that Angelique wouldn’t let other girls get near him.
The two also functioned as an early warning system for the neighborhood, and it sure beat setting an alarm. Angelique did all the talking. How delightful was her greeting to friends, a playful bow and a cute stretch with her paws, a smiling face, as long as there was no canine competition. Max and Angelique did the inevitable and she delivered three litters, a total of 19 gorgeous puppies. All but three live on Island to this day. Angelique was ably assisted in her birthing by Debbie Little, who is now an established mid-woof.
Lady Angelique was a good mom but, oh, when she was done raising the babes, she was done, and went back to protecting Max and bossing him around. The couple loved their car rides and strolls on the beach. They were most welcome fixture in the neighborhood.
Beware the Ides of March, the saying goes, and this year I neglected to take heed. While I was visiting with Bill the phone call came. A sunny, windy day — one last coquettish wink at Max, one whispered woof: “Follow me!” — and the Lady was out the fence, running with the wind, charging through the neighborhood like the free spirit she is. Now she’s at play in the fields of the Lord.
The Littles would like to thank the fine attention they always had from Angelique’s doctor, Kirsten Sauter, and her excellent staff. Kirsten and crew sent a most beautiful card. They also note the care and compassion of our animal control officer, Laurie Clements. All the neighbors and friends who stopped by to share the grief. Max misses her greatly. She was such a great puppy to us, Bill says, and she’s still a puppy to us. I picture this beautiful little black girl with the white shawl and well-appointed white markings running like the wind and barking fiercely at any perceived competition. A lovely garden will bloom at her resting place in the backyard, but she’s out there, free, because Angelique never really rests.
If you pull out your plaid and bring a covered dish, dessert, salad, or beverage, you can join me at 6 tonight at the Baylies Room of the Old Whaling church in Edgartown. A potluck dinner is being held by our Scottish Society in honor of Tartan Day, Sunday, April 6. We Island Scots like to get a jump start on it. Don’t worry, if your plaid is moth-eaten, we would welcome your presence anyway.
The Martha’s Vineyard Film Society invites you to the Katharine Cornell Theatre tomorrow night at 7:30 p.m. for The Price of Sugar. Director Ben Haney has been invited as well. This documentary follows the exploitation of Haitian workers. Proceeds from tomorrow’s viewing will go to the Haitian Fish Farm project. I’ll see you there.
Our Martha’s Vineyard Museum has a special screening at 3 p.m. tomorrow, Saturday, April 5, of Unveiled Voices, Unvarnished Memories: The Cromwell Family in Slavery and Segregation, 1692-1972. Adelaide Cromwell will present.
The years spin so quickly! Once again, noted artist Washington Ledesma presents his annual spring clearance sale. Available for your pleasure are earrings, ceramic jewelry, cups plates, tiles, and large and small paintings. The sale starts tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., continues Sunday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., and will be repeated at those same times the following weekend. Washington’s studio is at 5R Murrant avenue, the first true left off Sea Glen Road in Oak Bluffs. Call 508-560-2647 for further details and directions.
The birthday bandwagon pulls along Amber Willoughby, Sue Rice, and Tine Sonderby today. Tomorrow is a party for Tripta Bahal, Dan Fleming, and John Valley, Julian David Burghoff, and Gilbert Silvia. April 6 celebrates Kelsey Forend-Healy, Nancy Shemeth, and Ken Vanderlaske. April 7 is claimed by Muriel Gerhard. April 8 honors Simon Goldberg. April 9 belongs to Laura Daly, April Cimeno, Nick Weyl and Ana Maria Cecilio. And on April 10 Jason Murphy takes the cake. Many happy returns.
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