I am sitting here in my winter houserobe and my sheepskin slippers and can’t believe that last week we were in shorts. I think we all expected this as we have lived here long enough but the warm weather was nice and next we go into the fog. If we were that unhappy, we would not live here. So we enjoy what we have when we have it.
Happy birthday to all that celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to John Cataloni who celebrated his day on April 19, Charles Pikor on April 20, Travis Viera on April 21, Kyle Boyd on April 22, Rebeca Lima and Zoe Nugent on April 23, Alexandra Habekost and Caroline Hurley on April 25, Korrine Alteri and Kyle Alteri and Jennie Lindland on April 27, Grant Pertile and Sarah Pertile on May 1, and Alice Keenan, who celebrates her day today, May 2.
Special wishes go out to the Cavallo family for their three days of birthdays. First to Jonas who celebrated his day on April 26, then dad Coo (Robert) who celebrated on April 27, and to mom Donna who celebrated her day on April 28.
Also happy birthday to Lieut. Antone Bettencourt who celebrated his day on May 1.
Gordon and Ann Tyra have returned from five days in Rhinelander, Wisc., where they were joined by his sister Pat, for the funeral of their aunt, Grace Juetten (Ed Tyra’s sister who many of us met when she was here five years ago for both Ed and Helen’s funerals). Grace’s only child, George Juetten and his wife Sondra, had flown in from Boise, Ida. The three cousins were able to reminisce, sharing memories of Pickerel, Wisc., (their parents’ home), Rhinelander and the Vineyard.
The spring vacation is over and I hear it was a good one from our neighbors. The Kresels flew to Orlando and met with their daughter Sue and son in law Jonathan Kaden and of course the twins Ari and Benjamin. The boys kept Grammpa Jim and Gramma Mimi busy and all had a good time.
Our neighbor Zackary Waller spent his vacation in Ireland on a class trip. I hear it was a good trip and there are lots of pictures to see.
The Looks are back at home after wintering in Florida and I laughed to myself as I heard the lawnmower going today and Huck was riding his mower around his yard. I think that means the yard war is on.
Michael Donaroma went to Saint John to pick up his wife Janice and bring her home after she spent the winter there. This is not a task he looks forward to as Janice loves her heat and it is not that warm here yet for her. Their son Jeff has returned home after he spent his winter in California and I tease him he is looking like a surfer dude.
Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.
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