Oh, boy! It’s May and I can’t wait to get my hands on that economic stimulus check. Should I apply it to the doctorate in English I always wanted to work on? Should I put the $6,000 Badgley-Mischka gown I saw in New York on layaway, assuming the store accepts 10-year layaways and that we’ll get that check for the next 10 years? Should I use it for my Cumberland Farms coffee fund? I’m taking an informal survey. Please call, write, or e-mail me and tell in 10 words or less how you intend to spend this windfall. Let me know if I may publish your name with your dream.
Speaking of Cumberland Farms, Jill LaPiana’s Girl Scout troop has decorated a box that will be prominently featured in the store tomorrow, awaiting your donations for our men and women in military service overseas. There will be a list available of what the troops need. The effervescent gang at Cumby’s will take charge of packing and paying postage. Thanks for your support.
Speaking of our troops, I recently finished reading Colby Buzzell’s book, My War: Killing Time in Iraq. It was amazing and I highly recommend it. Colby was in Iraq in the early stages of our involvement. Caveat emptor — if you can’t handle the F-word, don’t get the book.
The recount is going on today re wet or dry in Vineyard Haven. I thought it was interesting what our town’s priorities are — first we’re recounting alcohol and then we’ll settle the selectmen’s race. I read about our tie vote in two New York papers while I was there last week.
One of the main reasons I went to New York, before I was sidetracked with all that infected-wisdom-tooth business, was to attend the alumnae mass and luncheon at Good Counsel. The event was particularly in honor of the college classes of 1948 and 1958. But there I was with Mom, Iole Gardella, and her college buddy, Grace Schmidt. Both were honored with rounds of applause for being Class of 1937. I am so proud of my mother for being able to go to college, at age 16, during the Depression, on full scholarship. The luncheon was held in the beautiful convent great rooms. Red and white wine, as well as mimosas, were served with the fare. You could have knocked me over with a feather when these two 90-year-olds sent me to get them wine and mimosas. Even more startling was the lovely woman sitting next to me who looked familiar. You have to realize, the Sisters of the Divine Compassion have shed their habits and former names, so how did I know the name tag, Mary Beth Maney, was none other than my wonderful fourth-grade teacher, Sister Mary Gerard? Sister was always kind, fair, intelligent, knowledgeable, and fun.
“What do I call you?” I asked. “Call me Mary Beth,” she responded. Well, after 12 years of Catholic schooling, I couldn’t do it. I just had to keep calling her Sister Mary Gerard. After a couple of drinks, I shortened it to Sister. If you had ever told me I would one day been drinking with my fourth-grade teacher I wouldn’t have believed you. And let me tell you, she matched me drink for drink. Of course, Sister had the advantage of living at the convent while I was the designated driver for Mom. What a great time we had!
The monthly meeting of our League of Women Voters is scheduled for tomorrow at the Howes House in West Tisbury at 8:30 a.m. Plans will be finalized for our annual meeting on May 18 at the Baylies Room of the Old Whaling Church. This year our annual meeting will be a potluck supper with a screening of the film Uncounted, a recent hit at the Chilmark Film Festival. I’ll see you there.
Our Martha’s Vineyard film society is offering My Kid Could Paint That at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, May 3 at the Katharine Cornell Theatre on Spring street in Vineyard Haven. This is the true story of four-year-old Marla Olmstead who sold $300,000 worth of paintings over a few months. Her work has been compared to Pollock and Kandinsky. Also entering the mix are the accusations that perhaps her parents were exploiting her. Come check it out.
A dear friend died when I was in New York. Our condolences to the family and friends of Sherri Jardin. It was always a pleasure to run into Sherri downtown. We all shall miss her greatly.
Anniversary bouquets go out to Andrew and Kathy Farrisey on May 6.
The birthday bandwagon pulls along Anna Duarte, Jonathan Spencer Norton and Becky Wilson on May 4. May 6 is a party for Sarah Francis, Jim MacDonald and Joey Murphy. And on May 7 Ellen Dubraska takes the cake. Many happy returns.
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