Chilmark continues to green up and folks are busy gearing up for the warmer, busier days to come. Everyone seems to have a project and is intent on getting it done.
Chilmarkers took time out to attend the annual town meeting on Monday evening. A less-than-record crowd attended but the town’s business was dispatched with minimum of hesitation and nothing was denied.
Congratulations and thanks from us all to Danny Bryant who retired this year after being the town’s director of emergency management since 1981.
The Larsen family gathered this week to mark the 60th wedding anniversary of Louis and Mary Larsen. A large surprise party was held at the community center where the couple’s extended family and many friends gathered to enjoy the celebration. Cheers from us all.
Dorothy Tripp came from Somerset to share in the festivities with her Larsen family members.
Up-Islanders will have some choices for eating out nearer to home as places open up this month. The Menemsha Deli, under new management, opened Thursday. Betsy Larsen also opened her popular fish market on the dock at Menemsha on Thursday for the season.
The Galley has been repaired after the unfortunate fire last fall and will be ready for business on May 15. Good luck to all, we are happy to have you back.
Karen Flynn will have the Bite open May 16 and the Home Port will be back in mid-June.
Remember that tomorrow, Saturday, May 3, is the 21st meeting of the Women’s Symposium at the community center. They gather at 9 a.m. with refreshments, talks and discussions. The title of theme this meeting is, Faking It?
The fifth graders from the Chilmark School will compete in the Martha’s Vineyard Speed of Light Model Solar Car Race, which will take place tomorrow, Saturday, May 3, at noon. The race takes place behind the West Tisbury Town Hall. Racers are invited to arrive at 10:15 a.m. to register, test their cars and prepare for the race. We are all invited to cheer on the students as they try out their solar engineering skills.
John and Jane Roberts of Highmark Road are happy to tell us that their son Jeffrey, who is a freshman at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Va., has been selected for an internship program at the EastWest Institute in Brussels. It is a summer program. Jeffery’s paper will be on narcotics terrorism. He is on the dean’s list and a member of the National Honor Roll Society. Congratulations from us all. The Roberts live in Paradise Valley, Ariz., when not at their Chilmark home.
Congratulations to Bonnie George of Quansoo who won an Islandwide needlepoint competition for the second year in a row with two ribbons, one for first prize in a category and one for best in the show. Cheers from us all.
Early-bird subscriptions are available now for the coming season of the Chamber Music Society’s pending season. Please call Kathy Retmeir at 508-696-8055 for more information.
Natalie Conroy enjoyed an April vacation in Bermuda with her daughter, Rebecca Conroy, and Rebecca’s daughters, Lucy and Lila.
Please make note of this change in a Chilmark tradition. The Chilmark Community Church’s traditional flea markets will move out of town this year. The sale is moving to the West Tisbury School where it will set up in the outside space behind that school. The hours of the sale will be from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and they hope to have many of the same vendors. There will be more information and signs at the time of the sales to get us all oriented. The first sale will be on June 25 and they will set up every Wednesday and Saturday through August 30. For more information, please call Phyllis Conway, coordinator, at 508-645-9216.
The Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners in their recently released ranking report named the Chilmark Library number one in two categories for 2007. Chilmark was number one in the circulation per capita and the attendance per capita. Cheers from us all.
The program at the library on Wednesday, May 7 at 5:30 p.m. will be a talk by Robin Alden, former Maine commissioner of marine resources. Ted Ames of the Penobscot East Resource Center will join him. The Menemsha Fisheries Development Fund which will bring us more lectures and films through the summer season brings the program to us. Attendance is free and the one-hour programs are followed by questions and answers. Please call the library at 508-645-3360 for more information about these informative programs.
Herb and Jane Slater were happy to have their daughter, Sarah, and her husband, Aaron Bennett, visit last weekend bringing their new grandson, Scott who is 7 weeks old, to Menemsha for his first Island visit. He was accompanied by his big brother, Jack, who is 16 months old and a seasoned traveler.
Please remember to call or e-mail me with your news. Everyone likes to know what everyone else is doing. Let’s share our adventures.
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