Edward Fantasia enjoyed a festive afternoon on Saturday as his family and friends gathered at the town hall in celebration of his graduation from Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School. Graduation was a major accomplishment for Ed, who has been receiving medical care for the past six years.
Charles Hopkins and his bride Allison Virostek Pfosi were married on Saturday afternoon at the Duck Inn, the ancestral home of his late grandmother Bessie Belain Ryan. Chuck is the son of Stella Winifred (Ryan) Hopkins and Thomas Hopkins. Their children were in attendance at the traditional ceremony amid family and friends.
Bill and Joan Kistner returned to their home in New York on Tuesday afternoon after spending five days with their grandson Noah James Manning and his parents Paul and Theresa.
Noah James Manning celebrated his second birthday with his family and friends at the town hall on Sunday afternoon. Once again, the building was transformed into an indoor play land for the children to enjoy with the bouncing castle, train tables, Noah’s John Deere tractor and other ride on toys. The theme was that of mini-construction crews with yellow hard hats for each guest, miniature tools, and Home Depot aprons and paint sets. I’m still wondering if those paint brushes will really work. Noah received a large Tonka truck that carried his chocolate “dirt cake” with gummy worms and rock candies. The adults enjoyed quahaug chowder and other treats. Needless to say, everyone had a grand time.
Get-well wishes to Leroy Smalley who is resting comfortably at his winter home in Saunderstown, R.I. He is being cared for by his wife Beverly.
Congratulations and all the best to Pat Z. Vanderhoop and Charles Preston who were married on Jan. 26 in Las Vegas. Pat Z. was given away by Elvis at the Graceland Wedding Chapel after a six-year engagement. Charles is retired from Boeing and Pat Z. is retired from the Aquinnah Shop and now spends her summers at the Galley in Menemsha and continues her jewelry making. They have known each other for 30 years and will divide their time between the Vineyard and Missouri. Over the weekend, they gathered with friends at Nancy’s on Oak Bluffs harbor for a celebration, including another wedding cake.
Tobias J. Vanderhoop celebrated his graduation from Harvard University and the Kennedy School of Government on June 5. Family and friends gathered at the town hall on Saturday in a joint celebration with his brother Ed Fantasia.
The Aquinnah Cultural Center at the Vanderhoop Homestead at Aquinnah Circle will open today for the season, providing house tours from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tours will also be available on Saturday, June 21, at the same time. There will be an on-going educational demonstration of a muhshoon which is a traditional fishing vessel created by fire, donated by the Wampanoag Indigenous Program of Plimoth Plantation. On July 5, Dr. David Silverman, associate professor of history at George Washington University, will present his book, Faith and Boundaries. His discussion in 2007 was certainly a favorite among many. His work is an extensive piece of literature on the colonization and Christianization of the Wampanoags on the Vineyard.
On June 24 at 5 p.m. at the Martha’s Vineyard Museum in Edgartown, Keith Gorman will talk about the Gay Head, East Chop and Edgartown lighthouses and their stewardship, history, images and documents, and the recent renovations. Tickets are $10 for members and $12 for non-members.
Hospice of Martha’s Vineyard is sponsoring a yard sale and flea market on June 28 with a rain date on June 29 at Dennis Alley Park (formerly Waban Park and next to the old Sea View Hotel) in Oak Bluffs. The event will occur from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Table spaces are $45 for commercial vendors and $25 for families. You may download the application on the Hospice Web site, hospiceofmv.org, or call 508-693-0189. Donations specifically for the Hospice table or for the baked foods table are also needed. More information is available by calling Judy Mayhew at 508-645-3328.
Happy 6th anniversary wishes to Ted and Tina Leslie as they celebrate on June 21.
Happy 7th anniversary wishes to Sonny and Janice Sylvia on June 23. Happy birthday wishes this week to Fawn Fantasia on June 22. Damon Q. Runyan will party on June 24.
A very special birthday wish to Robert Schiller on June 25, as he prepares to celebrate at the Old South Road Fourth of July parade. Edward Fantasia will be 22 years old on June 26.
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