
In an interview in Tuesday’s Gazette with John Potter and Todd Alexander, there was a mention about the young sailors’ sailing technique as youths more than 30 years ago. Mr. Potter said after the interview that he used the word sheet to describe their sailing technique, not cheat. Mr. Potter said on Wednesday: “We won the races by sheeting.”

A theatre review published June 27 of Rising Water at the Vineyard Playhouse referred to playwright John Biguenet’s wife as Martha; her name is Marsha. The Gazette regrets the error.

A photo from the first RISE Vineyard Performing Arts recital which appeared in Tuesday’s Gazette identified a dancer as Chloe Combra; the dancer was Emily Mello. Also, the dance Lil Skunks was choreographed by Jil Matrisciano, not Sandra Stone. The Gazette regrets the errors.