Aquinnah Public Library will be presenting the final session for September Edible Vineyard: Series About Cooking and Eating on the Vineyard. Carol McManus of Espresso Love in Edgartown will present her new book Table Talk. Not only will she present and discuss her book but will also have a demonstration of her culinary skills. Carol will be at the library on Thursday, Sept. 25 at 5 p.m.
There was a sighting of the Barefoot Contessa dining outside of Larsen’s Fish Market recently. Perhaps she would like to be one of the series speakers at our Aquinnah library.
Twenty-month-old Maeve Sheehan of Aspen, Colo. arrived this past week for a one month visit with her grandparents Lenny and Mallory Butler. She was accompanied by her parents Jeffie (Jennifer Butler) and Kevin Sheehan.
Maxwell Butler and his friend Sean George, son of Cheryl (Bernard) and John George of Tisbury are residing in Brookline while enhancing their musical careers in and around Boston. In addition to playing music, Max is also busy writing songs.
Nina P. Butler has returned to Wellesley College for her sophomore year studies. She was recently elected treasurer of her house council.
Congratulations and all the best to Anna Cotton and Damon Runyan as they celebrate their marriage at the Agricultural Hall on October 4th.
Dr. Thomas Green and Peggy George were at his Aquinnah home over the weekend, returning to Rhode Island on Sunday evening. They enjoyed the Community Baptist Church dance on Saturday evening at the town hall. We will look forward to their return in a few weeks.
Betty Joslow enjoyed a weekend visit from her daughter Karen. Karen is a teacher on the south shore and returned to her home on Sunday evening.
William Kestenbaum and his wife Carol were guests of his sister Kristina Leslie and her husband Ted over the weekend. Bill and Carol were visting with family and friends on the Cape before heading home to California.
Reminder — Corinne Majno and Ken Kaufman will be renewing their wedding vows on Monday, Sept. 22 at 3 p.m. at their home overlooking Vineyard Sound. RSVP 508-645-2270. All of their Vineyard friends are invited to attend this potluck gathering.
Chief F. Ryan Malonson continues his long rehabilitation following orthopaedic surgery and is recuperating at the Boston Center in Roslindale. He remains at total bed rest for the next several months. In the meantime, he would assuredly appreciate calls, cards, or e-mails. He has enjoyed visits from family and friends, the gifts of magazines and books, and looks forward to those care packages with snacks.
Marlene Perry and her friend Browne Hollowell arrived from their home in Asheville, N.C. this week to visit family and friends. They will be spending the week down-Island while here to attend the memorial service for Marlene’s sister Dorothy Costa which was held on Monday. Many Vineyarders will remember Marlene as she was the original owner of Marlene’s Taxi more than forty years ago and the name has always remained the same through every successive owner. She looks forward to reading my column each week. Thank you Marlene.
Condolences to Rev. Peter R. Sanborn, his daughters Heather and Jennifer and their families, on the loss of his mother Ruth Sanborn on Sept. 14 in Florida. Mrs. Sanborn and her late husband Rev. Arthayer Sanborn frequently attended Community Baptist Church while visiting their family while they resided on the Vineyard.
Best of luck to Seth Seeman, son of Tom Seeman and Marsha Shufrin, as he heads out west to Sushi School. After working for his parents at Vineyard Bottled Water for the summer season, he will be driving across country with a friend to begin his studies in Los Angeles. His brother Matthew is already in Los Angeles and they have a lot of friends there.
Faith Vanderhoop and James Shepherd have finally opened their new eating establishment Faith’s Seafood, which is the first building on the left as one heads up the stairs to the Cliffs. They will be open from 9 a.m. to sunset and will be serving lobster, chowder, steamers, mussels and more. Most of the shops at the Cliffs will be having their annual end-of-the-season sales over the next few weeks.
Arnold and Norma Zack are pleased to announce the arrival of their first grandchild. He arrived on 9/11! His parents are Rachel Zack and Charlie Ishikawa. He is a beautiful little boy, named Akeakamai (he will be called Akea), which means lover of wisdom in Hawaiian. “We are all thrilled.”
For those of you who missed the bazaar at the tribal building on Sunday for the benefit of Aquinnah community programs committee, it was a great success. Of course, the weather may have played a major part but it was a busy day for all the vendors.
Happy 22nd anniversary wishes to Ted and Sarah Howes of East Pasture as they celebrate their special day today.
Happy sixth anniversary wishes to Aquinnah Police Chief Randhi P. Belain and his wife Tiffany as they celebrate their special day on Sept. 21.
Happy 69th anniversary wishes to Garth and Ollie Edwards as they celebrate their very special day on Sept. 30. All of those years of a loving family, patience and gratitude have certainly been a reward for this special couple.
Happy fourth anniversary wishes to Kevin Sheehan and Jennifer Butler as they party on the 25th.
Happy birthday wishes to Ruth VanBrakle on Sept. 21 who shares the day with Laurie Burnett. Janet Foley will party as always on Sept. 22. Jeffrey Madison celebrates on Sept. 24. James Sanfilippo will party on the Sept. 25 and shares the day with Anne Weingarner of Albuquerque and Aquinnah.
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