The Aquinnah Public Library will be open with regular hours on Saturday, Dec. 13 at 10 a.m. The Library Trustees, Jennry, Michelle and Natalie are all looking forward to greeting patrons once again and will be serving apple cider and other refreshments at 10 a.m. We can look forward to Marianne Neill’s home-baked scones and other delicacies. On Dec. 18 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. there will be a library’s staff/volunteer appreciation open house. All are welcome.
The Aquinnah board of selectmen wishes to extend its sincere appreciation to library staff, the trustees, Friends of Aquinnah Public Library, and volunteers for their time and effort in securing a smooth and uneventful move into the Old Town Hall. Library director Jenny Christy was flawless in planning and executing the move and ultimately for setting up the facilities. Aquinnah executive secretary Jeffrey Burgoyne would like to convey his personal gratitude to Gary Haley, resident master electrician, who performed above and beyond the call of duty not only with the electrical work but also in countless acts of TLC in preparation of pre- and post-moving tasks. Likewise to Jed Smith, a real master carpenter who helped make the renovations all come together. “Thumbs up to Jed, Jenny, and Gary.”
Aquinnah Police Chief Randhi P. Belain submitted a memo from MEMA, Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency, to alert Aquinnah residents on preparing with a winter emergency car kit, a winter disaster kit, and a family communication plan. If you did not receive one on the Internet, please stop by the town hall and obtain one so you will be prepared.
Sincerest condolences to the family of Leroy Smalley who passed away on Dec. 4 near his winter home in Rhode Island. Leroy was the son of the late Alonzo and Edna (Belain), and a descendant of many of the families of Aquinnah. He was born at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital in 1932 and spent his early years as a child in Gay Head. Leroy and his wife Beverly enjoyed entertaining their family and friends at their summer home on Moshup Trail. He moved to Rhode Island where he served in the United States Army during the Korean War, raised his family, and enjoyed his career at General Dynamics. In retirement, he worked for the Mashantucket Pequot Tribe, often returning to Aquinnah for Elder socials and general membership meetings. Services were held on Monday in Wakefield, R.I., attended by many of his fellow members of the Aquinnah Wampanoag Tribe and the Black Brook Drum. Leroy is survived by his wife Beverly, son Jay Smalley and his wife Millicent, and grandchildren Shaun, Tiffany, Faith and Zachary. He is also survived by his brother Paul Smalley, and daughter in law Dale Smalley. He was the father of the late Keith Smalley.
Sincerest condolences to the family of Lawrence N. Spitz who passed away on Dec. 5 in Arizona at the age of 96. Larry was a national icon in the field of labor arbitration, having served in Rhode Island, Pennsylvania and Connecticut during his career. He and his family enjoyed their home at Lobsterville for more than half a century. Even in his retirement, Larry was often requested to speak on labor relations. He was predeceased by his wife Lillian. Larry is survived by his daughters Marjorie Spitz and Barbara (Spitz) Bassett of Aquinnah, and his grandchildren Lea, Meadow and Daniel.
Sincerest condolences to the family of Blanche Yorke who passed away recently in Scituate. Blanche enjoyed her summer visits with her daughter Virginia in Aquinnah and her son Larry in Tisbury. She shared her time in Aquinnah with four generations of her Yorke family.
Aquinnah artists Nancy Benoit with her handpainted toys and Lisa Bibko Vanderhoop will be at the Grange Hall in West Tisbury on Dec. 13 for the Artisans Fair.
This weekend on Saturday in Edgartown, Dec. 13 the Federated Church will present An Old Fashioned Christmas. Sunday is the day for the drawing of Herbert Ward’s Island Daylillies handmade quilt for the benefit of the Federated Church Choir. Peter Boak will present an Old Fashioned Christmas Concert at their Meetinghouse on Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and on Sunday Dec. 14 at 3 p.m. Admission is by free-will offering to benefit their Steeple Fund and for the choir’s spring tour to France and Switzerland. A donation of canned goods for the Island Food Pantry is also encouraged.
Hospice of Martha’s Vineyard once again will host their annual Handmade from the Heart sale during Christmas in Edgartown on Dec. 13 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Dr. Daniel Fisher House. There will be many treasures made with love and care that include hand-knitted, crocheted or sewn items, home décor items, jewelry, baked goods and sweets. Coffee and tea will be available.
Happy ninth anniversary wishes to Leigh and Christy Moreis as they observe their special day on Dec. 12.
Happy birthday wishes this week to Chris Manning as he observes his special day today. Aquinnah firefighter Charlie Thomas will party on Dec. 13. Ariana Feldberg will celebrate on Dec. 16 and shares the day with Douglas Plumer who will observe a major milestone. Pam Vanderhoop and Frank Scott share the day on the 17th. Steven Roth will observe a major milestone on Dec. 18.
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