Wow, Dec. 7! How many of you out there get that feeling in your stomach when you hear that date? I was 7 and my mother reassured me that Pearl Harbor was a long way from Chilmark, but I found the news very frightening just the same. What an era began that day. So many recollections of the war years in Chilmark come to mind: the sounds of heavy planes flying over, throbbing engines heard offshore at night, and the scratchy radio reports every evening.
We send condolences to the Larsen families and to all who knew Olga Simmerman, formerly of Chilmark, who died in Nebraska on Dec. 1 at the home of her daughter, Aimee Hubbard. Olga, 89, was born in Norway, the oldest child of Daniel and Kristine Larsen, who came from Norway and made their home in Menemsha. She and her late husband, Charlie Simmerman, lived and raised Aimee in Evanston, Ill. After Charlie’s death in 1975, Olga returned to Menemsha where she had maintained her family ties. Although she had been living with her daughter in Nebraska the last few years, she continued her Island visits and friendships. She had many friends here who will miss her as will her extended Larsen family, including her brother, Louis.
Congratulations to Kim Klaren, who has recently been promoted to branch manager at the Chilmark branch of the Bank of Martha’s Vineyard.
Tomorrow, Saturday, Dec. 8, will be the Holiday Flea Market at the community center. Crafts, food, antiques and furniture will be offered for sale from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Soup and chowder will be available for lunch.
A memorial concert is scheduled at the community center on Saturday, Dec. 8, at 6 p.m. The nonprofit meal and music are in memory of John Holmes and to help his daughter, Martha-Abigail. For more details, you may call Jannette Vanderhoop at 508-560-1103.
All the Methodist churches of the Island will worship on this Sunday, Dec. 9, at 11 a.m. at the Christ Methodist Church in Vineyard Haven, where they will hear a Christmas cantata sung by a choir of church members, directed by the Rev. Dr. Susan Heafield and accompanied by Dan Murphy on the organ. Service will resume at the Chilmark Church on Dec. 16 with the Rev. Richard Rego preaching.
Steve Broderick tells us of the very recent arrival of his grandson, born Dec. 4 to Steve and Stacie Broderick in Pauko, Hawaii. No word yet on his name and vital statistics. His grandmother is Emily Broderick of Falmouth. Cheers to all.
The Chilmark firefighters are planning this year’s annual Christmas party, complete with a visit from Santa for all the children of Chilmark. It’s at the community center on Dec. 20. If you have children who will attend, call Jan Weidner at 508-645-7830 so they may be included in the very personal gift distribution. Katie Carroll is also working on the preparations. More next week.
Paul Henry and Beth Mayhew have a busy weekend ahead. Their grandson, Paul Henry Jeffers Mayhew, will celebrate his 11th birthday on Dec. 9. Their granddaughter, Emma Mayhew, will perform a solo at the ice show today at 7 p.m. at the arena in Oak Bluffs.
The library thanks Martha’s Vineyard Garden Club members Bonnie George and Winkie Keith for the holiday decorations at the front of the library. Bonnie reminds us that the club welcomes new members to share the meetings devoted to flora and fauna and fundraising for Vineyard projects. Please call Bonnie at 508-645-3412 for club information.
Bob Vincent is at his South Road home for a winter visit.
The Friends of the Chilmark Library are having a used-book sale at the library from Dec. 15 to 24. The group will be setting up on Dec. 14 and will appreciate any help. Don’t forget to visit Harness and Feed for another holiday shopping experience in Chilmark. They offer gifts for critters indoors and out. I’m trying to help you do all your holiday shopping in town this year.
Town hall sends out word to all department and commission heads that budgets are due on Dec. 28.
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