The family and friends of Rose B. Anthony gathered this week to reflect on her life and to say a final farewell to a wonderful woman who has touched the lives of so many people over the more than half a century she was in our midst. Sincerest condolences to her family and friends. Rose found her home in Aquinnah to be a very special place where she would find tranquility, lifelong friends and a great place to raise her children and grandchildren during the summer. She was very generous of her time over the years. We were fortunate to share so much over the years, especially her wit and wisdom.
Thank you to the Big Toys Company and their loyal employees who arrived on the Vineyard this past Friday evening to install the playground equipment last Saturday morning. With temperatures hovering in the 20s with a significant wind-chill factor, the equipment was installed in less than the usual four hours. Those assisting included Joseph Corbo, Darren Leport, Jed Smith, Woody Vanderhoop and Steve Yaffee.
The Aquinnah Holiday Party will be held at the tribal building tomorrow, Saturday, Dec. 22 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. The celebration will be a potluck dinner, so please bring one of your favorite dishes to share with all. The children will have a fun project to work on together. Santa will arrive by his usual mode of travel and has a special gift for all children of Aquinnah from newborn to age 15. Please join in the festivities of the holiday season by joining your family, neighbors, and friends at this gathering.
Community Baptist Church will celebrate the holiday with a candlelight service on Dec. 24 at 5 p.m. The Rev. Roger H. Spinney will be delivering a special Christmas message. Kathryn B. Stewart, our faithful organist, will be featuring our favorite Christmas carols. Special music will be performed during the service.
Joseph Corbo and his wife Faith are looking forward to having all of their children home for Christmas. They arrive from Florida and Hawaii this weekend.
Jeffrey Okun, his wife Alison and their daughter Ally were at their Old South Road home over the weekend attending to renovations. Their daughter Samantha decided to remain in Andover rather than get caught up in the windy weather here. Jeffrey’s mother, Barbara Okun, continues to commute often between Aquinnah and her home in Newton.
Get-well wishes to Jane Slater who recently underwent emergency orthopedic surgery by Dr. Rocco Monto. Jane is resting comfortably at home with the assistance of Herb and her neighbors.
After an exceptionally busy week, tryfinding out where Santa would be, pursuing his transport to the holiday party, and assisting him with age-appropriate gifts for all the children of Aquinnah, I will sit back and sip some tea while wrapping those last-minute gifts. It has been encouraging to find many Vineyarders shopping locally. Of course the idea of a raffle from the down-Island businesses has been an enticing treat for everyone.
The open house at Allen Farm was a pleasure to attend.
At the Bunch of Grapes Bookstore in Vineyard Haven, one will find most of the up-Islanders shopping for all the new books by our friends and neighbors. Our longtime friend Dillon Bustin will be signing Thirty Dirty Sailors and the Little Girl Who Went A-Whaling tomorrow, Saturday, Dec. 22 at 2 p.m.
You will find John Alley and me in line to have Phyllis Meras signing our copies of The Historic Shops & Restaurants of Boston tomorrow, Saturday from 3 to 5 p.m. Also on hand will be Ray Ellis, who will be there with By the Light of the Moon, Peter Simon with his 2008 Vineyard Calendars, and Sue Whiting and Barbara Pesch with their Vineyard Birds II. It is always nice to give and receive an autographed book by your best writers. See you there.
Happy anniversary wishes to Walter and Nancy Delaney as they celebrate on Dec. 23. They will be attending a concert to enjoy a performance by their grandson Raymond Dineen.
Happy birthday wishes to Molly Fischer as she celebrates her 15th birthday today. Theresa A. Manning will party on Dec. 22. Mrs. Ollie Edwards of Abel’s Hill and Essex, Conn., will observe her special day on Dec. 24. Christina Montoya will party on Dec. 25. Naushon Vanderhoop parties on Dec. 26 and shares the day with William Kestenbaum.
Please be mindful of those less fortunate or those who may be alone at this time of year. Pray for those who serve to protect our freedom around the world at this time. Wishes for a safe journey to all those traveling. A very merry Christmas to one and all.
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