Edgartown Sees Light Turnout; Override Spending Approved


In an election gripped by calm, Edgartown voters yesterday approved
12 borrowing and spending proposals and ousted an incumbent from the
board of health.

In the contested races, challenger Kevin L. Searle defeated
incumbent David J. Murphy 264-202 for a three-year seat on the board of
health. Timothy K. Connelly defeated Jay Guest 318-140 for a three-year
term on the wastewater treatment commission. Incumbent David J.
Blackburn, with 343 votes, and newcomer Herbert L. Foster, with 228
votes gained the two available seats on the library board of trustees.
Richard L. Feen, who had been appointed a library trustee to fill a
vacancy, placed third with 221 votes.

By a vote of 327-163, the voters decided to allow the town to borrow
up to $1.5 million toward the construction of a new public supply well
near Pennywise Path. Voters also agreed 345-161 to allow the town to
borrow $465,000 toward the purchase of a new fire pumper truck, and
263-240 to allow the town to borrow another $600,000 toward payment of
the construction costs of the new Chappaquiddick fire station. The votes
will allow the town to exempt the debts from the tax levy limit
specified under the state law known as Proposition 2 1/2.

Voters approved the public well and fire truck at the annual town
meeting Tuesday. The Chappaquiddick proposal was also approved at last
year's annual town meeting.

Edgartown voters yesterday also approved a number of proposals whose
costs will be paid in the fiscal year starting July 1. The votes will
allow the town to exceed its levy limit under Proposition 2 1/2.

Voters agreed 358-148 to assess an additional $34,500 for
maintenance and repairs at the police station; 259-242 to assess an
additional $36,250 for a new pickup truck for the shellfish department;
346-155 to assess an additional $223,646 to operate and maintain the
town dredge program; 352-152 to assess an additional $150,000 to
resurface and rebuild various town streets; 369-136 to assess an
additional $125,000 to build and repair sidewalks and catch basins;
285-210 to assess an additional $57,606 to fund the town's share
of the costs of the Dukes County Regional Housing Authority; 365-137 to
assess an additional $75,000 to replace the generator used for the Dock
street pump station and town hall; and 351-147 to assess an additional
$75,000 to replace the mechanical bar screen at the wastewater treatment

A question to allow the town to assess an additional $279,400 to
build a bicycle path on Meschacket Road appeared on the ballot but was
moot because it was indefinitely postponed at Tuesday's annual
town meeting. Town officials plan to revisit the issue next year as part
of a larger project.

In uncontested races, Arthur Smadbeck was re-elected to the board of
selectmen with 420 votes; Laurence A. Mercier was re-elected to the
board of assessors with 424 votes; Thomas Durawa, Morton Fearey Jr. and
Malcolm W. Reed Jr. were re-elected to the financial advisory committee
with 431, 383 and 374 votes, respectively; and Leslie Baynes was
re-elected to the school committee with 412 votes.

Alison D. Cannon was re-elected to a five-year term on the planning
board with 414 votes and William C. Bishop 3rd was elected to a
three-year term on the planning board with 418 votes.

Wanda Williams was re-elected town clerk with 473 votes; Melissa
Kuehne was re-elected town tax collector with 436 votes; Glen Searle was
re-elected to the park commission with 457 votes; and William Erickson
was re-elected to the water commission with 417 votes.

A total of 518 voters, 18 percent of the 2,885 registered voters in
Edgartown, participated in the election.

Ms. Williams, the town clerk, said turnout was lower than usual. She
said Edgartown turnout more typically runs in the 25-28 per cent range.

Asked her opinion on what contributed to the lower turnout, Ms.
Williams pointed to the lack of a controversial spending question or
high-profile electoral race.

She also said the weather – with rain giving way to sunshine
that pushed temperatures into the 50s – also might have played a
role. "Too nice," the veteran town clerk said. "People
had other things to do."

Mr. Searle, elected to the board of health, declared himself happy
with the results. Mr. Murphy, a longtime incumbent, said he had no
reaction to the vote.

Mr. Foster, learning of his election to the library board, responded
with a "wow." He said he looks forward to carrying out the
proposals put forward during his candidacy.

Mr. Blackburn, chairman of the library trustees, said he was pleased
to be voted back onto the board, which is working on an ambitious
expansion project for the town library.

"I feel like I have a lot to do," he said. "This
will give me more time."