Those of you who knew Don Mohr well may be surprised to learn of his many accomplishments mentioned in his obituary. Modesty was his greatest fault. Everyone remembers that when Don fished he liked to sit on an upturned bucket. The story goes that by the time he retired from fishing he was up to three buckets. The added height of the three-bucket stack made it easier to get back on his feet when called into action. I spoke to several of his fishing friends and our conversations ended in laughter as we recounted Don’s adventures. His friendships and his contributions to the derby live on.
I visited the Mytoi Garden on Tuesday morning. The blueberry and Japanese maples are beginning to change into their fall colors. There are still a few blossoms on the Franklinia and they resemble a small fried egg. The bright yellow-orange center looks like a well-cooked yolk and the surrounding white petals complete the picture. This bush is named for Ben Franklin and has an intriguing history beginning with its discovery on the banks of the Altamaha River in Georgia in 1765. To have a look at it, go through the gate and past the fountain, take your next path on the right and walk up to the stone edging of the stream. The bush is beyond the stream, about 10 feet high and has peach-like leaves. A few blossoms remain, most having formed their seed pods already. I found some blossoms on the ground and set them on the stones for you to see. The large snapping turtle in the Mytoi Pond went out of his way to entertain visitors — this formidable looking critter was quite lively. The goldfish must have short-term memories, or perhaps they know when he’s not hungry. If I had to guess, I would say that he is probably among Chris Kennedy’s favorite employees. He had good eye contact and showed a real interest in us. As long as eating the other staff (the goldfish) doesn’t count against him, I think he has a job for life.
Remember that the Trustees of Reservations is giving lighthouse and beach tours right through Columbus Day.
In the wee hours of Wednesday morning, Chappy firefighters were called to assist in dousing a house fire in Katama. As the fire chief says, we’re all members of one department. Working with our fellow big-island firefighters is good training for the day when they will come to our aid.
So far the fundraiser for purchasing a fire tanker for Chappy has received over $30,000. We hope to consider the new fire tanker purchase at the April town meeting. The fire chiefs have adjusted their priorities to fast-track this project given the interest shown by Chappaquiddickers. Another $50,000 in contributions will help to finalize the proposal. Through the efforts of the chiefs the price tag of the tanker has been reduced by $75,000, and the revised design will cost approximately $210,000. Thanks to all contributors for your generous support. And thanks in advance to those who are just now writing their checks to the Edgartown Firemen’s Association, P.O. Box 1064, Edgartown, MA 02539. Remember to write Chappy Tanker on the memo line.
The next potluck is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 3. Donna Kelly will be hosting. Appetizers start at 6 p.m. and we sit down to eat at 6:30 p.m. There are many interesting items for discussion not fit to print in this column, but which we freely address at the potluck. The book club has a new selection: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot. Judy Buss will lead the discussion at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 3. at the Chappaquiddick Community Center. Henrietta Lacks was diagnosed with cancer in 1951. Doctors used her cells for research, leading to breakthroughs in everything from Parkinson’s disease to polio. If Annie Heywood isn’t finished with the Edgartown library’s copy, ask them to get you another one through the interlibrary loan system. The Chappy ferry goes on winter schedule on Sunday, Oct. 14. The derby ends the day before. The On Time II is up for its biennial hull inspection by the U.S. Coast Guard, which requires a voyage up to Vineyard Haven and a haul-out at Tisbury Marine railway. The propellers, shafts and cutlass bearings will be checked for wear and replaced if necessary. All of the through-hull fittings and bolts will be removed and inspected, the rudder bearings will be renewed, the hull will be cleaned and tested for soundness and the bottom recoated with blue environmental antifouling paint.
Last Columbus Day you may have participated in the group photo aboard the ferries. If you missed it, we’ll be doing it again. We can put 50 people on each ferry and the overflow will be on the pier. This time I’m planning to have Chappy in the background. Meet at 1 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 7 at the ferry landing on the Chappy side. The photo will be available to all participants.
Lily Walter and her farmers have moved into the Marshall Farm right across the road from Brine’s Pond. She calls her endeavor Slip Away Farm. You’ve probably heard of community-supported agriculture; you sign up and pay at the beginning of the summer and the farmer gives you a weekly batch of produce throughout the growing season. CSAs are advantageous for both the farmer and the consumer. You may be introduced to new varieties of produce. Watch for announcements here and on the bulletin boards for further developments.
The story goes that Lily was surprised to hear that we all knew about the construction of the new chicken house on the hill behind the farmhouse. She hadn’t yet realized two things: first, that driving by the farm heading for the ferry, we have a clear view into her backyard and second, that this is Chappy.
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