

“Train a child the way he should go and when he is old he shall not turn from it,” Proverbs 22:6.

When I was a kid my parents always took us with them to vote. I remember the mystique of the curtain and voting booth, somewhat reminiscent of the confessional but with a much better purpose — this time it was us who got to call the shots, not the priest. In deciding who had sinned and who was worthy of a short penance, we often had to choose the lesser of two evils or between a rock and a hard place. Nevertheless, I always dressed in red, white, and blue, put on my Statue of Liberty earrings and took my son to vote. As mothers we always wait to hear the words, ”Mom, I arrived safely,” or “Mom, I finished my exams and I am going to graduate.” How tickled I was on Tuesday to receive a message on my answering machine from my son in Rockford, Ill. reporting, “Mom, I voted.”

I also had news from Anna Duarte, who is on her way to recovery, and thanks all who contributed to her rapid progress. Alas, after 16 years as our American Legion “Poppy Girl”, Anna has finally retired. Ill health has also made her cut back on her many years of volunteerism at the Tisbury Senior Center. But Anna is up and about and still driving. Say “hi” when you see her.

We are thrilled that our Vineyard Haven Public Library has once again been named one of the 262 star libraries (out of 7,570 rated) in Library Journal’s annual listing. The rating is based on four public service indicators: circulation, visits, program attendance and public internet use. Thank you, staff, for such a fine job.

One of the library’s programs next week will be famous author Ted Hoagland’s talk on 60 years of writing and traveling. Hear him in the program room at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 14.

Last year Morning Glory Farm, Island Grown Gleaners, Whippoorwill Farm and the faithful Pacheco family of Reliable Market fed over 400 people, delivering 179 meals to our Island hungry for Thanksgiving. The meal baskets require a donation of $25 to feed a family of four. Among the goodies are a turkey, eggs, stuffing mix, canned pumpkin, cranberry sauce, fresh apples, oranges potatoes, onions and squash. You may volunteer to package and distribute. Your help is also needed with a donation — our account is empty as of right now! A winter holiday basket is available on Dec. 21st for needy families as well. Send your check to Vineyard Committee on Hunger, P.O. Box 4685, Vineyard Haven, MA 02568 or donate online at The gift baskets will be distributed from the First Baptist Church at their parish hall. Be sure to write Family-to-Family in the memo so your contribution goes to Island families. Ed Colligan called to remind me that our 425 flags will need to be put up at 7:30 a.m. on Sunday, Veterans Day, and taken down at 3 p.m. All volunteers are welcome. There will not be a parade or ceremony at our Oak Grove Cemetery on Sunday.

In other legion news, I erred in telling you that our Legion Auxiliary is looking for children’s clothes and toys for our annual bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 17. Baked goods, white elephants, and other handmade items are welcome. Call me to help you get them there.

Anniversary bouquets go out to Rene and Joanne Moncada on Nov. 14.

May I be condemned to receive no treats when I go trick-or-treating next Halloween for having omitted informing you that Halloween is the birthday of my god-mother and cousin, Frances Graziani.

May I be sentenced to arrive for my morning coffee at Cumby’s just as they run out of joe for neglecting to mention two of the most beautiful Cumby’s employees who celebrated birthdays last week. Manager Liza Bucley claimed Tuesday, Nov. 6 and Kara Best partied on Nov. 8.

The birthday bandwagon pulls along Matt Medeiros, Barbara Jo Cayer, Maria DePinha and Evan Scott-Jennings today. Nov. 10 honors the birth of the United States Marine Corps in a tavern in Philadelphia in 1775. Nov. 11 is a party for Willa Shalit, Lizanne Donegan and Victoria Hehre. Nov. 12 shines on Suelly Oliveira, Tim Sylvia, David (Cricket) Willoughby and Isaque Silva. Nov. 13 is for Lisa Quartiroli, Rosemary Jackson and Lillian Beal. November 14 smiles for John Gardella, Alfred Francis and Ellison Brasil. Nov. 15 belongs to Juraci Rodrigues and Swaran Bahal. November 16 smiles on Sarah Benson, JackLynn Pinkerton Parker and Jo-Ann Walker. And on Nov. 17, Tessa Rose Whitaker takes the cake. Many happy returns.