Spring flowers and trees are finally in bloom. The baseball field on Sunday hosted a youth baseball game and the tennis courts were also busy. Paul Cook’s front lawn on Music street is a sea of tiny blue flower’s that Ann Nelson says are called glory of the snow.
Susan Block spotted three white-tailed deer walking down Music street Tuesday morning just before they made a hard right onto the Newhall property. She figured they were out strolling, as she was, enjoying the spring weather.
The Vineyard Conservation Society tomorrow will host the annual Earth Day beach cleanup. Volunteers are asked to go to one of the supervised beaches between 10 a.m. and noon. This year an after party will be graciously hosted by the Harbor View Hotel. Kids will receive free special edition T-shirts made by Shirts by Ted with custom artwork drawn by Jules Feiffer. There will also be a raffle. For more information call 508-693-9588.
The Vineyard Transit Authority’s summer bus schedule starts tomorrow morning. The VTA carried a record amount of passengers last year and there is no reason to believe it will not be about the same or even increase this year.
Will Tholen of Boston was home last weekend visiting his mother Martha and family. Will is learning to become a barber, a trade he very much enjoys, and on weekends when he is home, he has a chair in the basement of his mother’s house where he gives haircuts to friends. He hopes to return when he finishes school and set up a shop. Our grandson Robbie came to visit over the weekend along with his parents Nicole and Arsen. He had not been here since Thanksgiving. The Easter bunny had saved a basket for him. His dad made several septic inspections on Monday. Just when you thought the political season was over for the year, town clerk Tara Whiting reminds everyone that she has absentee ballots for the special state primary election to select candidates for the U.S. Senate seat formerly held by John Kerry. The primary is on April 30, and the state election is June 25.
Eleanor F. Cummings of Boston, a lifelong summer resident of Lambert’s Cove, died on April 2 at Massachusetts General Hospital. A graveside service was held on Wednesday in the family plot in the Lambert’s Cove cemetery.
Jennifer Tseng over at the library reminds spring cleaners that the library is collecting books for its annual book sale. The book drop is in the shed at the school off Old County Road. The shed has a window drop that people can access any time. Tax donation forms are available at the library.
Happy birthday to: Diane Emin, Martha Flanders, Rosemarie Tedeschi, Justin Kelleher and Lorraine Eldridge today; Ralph Jones, Kathleen Stevenson, Jeremy Berlin and Rebecca Ward tomorrow; Joyce Maxner, Joe Gervais, Lauren Martin, Terry Keech, Danny Segal and Robert Herman on Sunday; Nelson Bryant, Brent Taylor, Dorothy Whiting, Chantale LeGare, Marshall Segall, Sandy Hechtman and Sharon Gamsby on Monday; Hasty Runner, Anita Smith, Holly Diggs, Mike Diaz and Gordon Turner on Tuesday; Kaye Moody, James McDonough, Patrick Callahan, Barbara Levine and Pricilla Cote On Wednesday; Susan Huntington, Darah Schwartz, Robert Yapp, Veronica Nippes, Sal Laterra, Maratha Tack, Mike Goldsmith and Joshua Goldstein on Thursday. Well, that is all the social news for this week’s edition. If you have any news please call or e-mail me. Have a great week.
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