Sorry to have missed you last week. I was under the weather, which sounds ridiculous because this weather has been too incredibly beautiful to be under. Some of you seasonals and vacationers who have come or stayed later than usual now know our secret: this is the very best time of year on storybook Island. And a sure sign of fall — I sailed right through Five Corners last week being the only car coming from any direction.
Nonna has been holding court on the back deck. My good friend Holly Towles came to visit her, bringing a huge bouquet of flowers. Teri Praskach had made an amazing antipasti that we all enjoyed. Nonna and Holly discussed everything from books to art to music and to how they met their husbands. Same time, next year.
Paul and Marge Howes have just returned from four beautiful days watching over their grandkids, Aidan and Olivia, in East Brunswick, N.J. Parents Javier and Julia had to attend a destination wedding in the Dominican Republic so the Howes had a great opportunity to take the children to school, help with homework and play games. Paul and Marge are back on-Island now.
It is not too soon to remind you that a week from tomorrow, Saturday, Oct. 12, is Electronics Disposal Day at the campus of Martha’s Vineyard Community Services, just across from the high school. All proceeds benefit MVCS. Disposal prices range from $1 to $30 and there is a 10 per cent discount on truck loads. Keyboards and mice are taken at no charge. Some of the items you can clean out of your house and garages are refrigerators, ranges, computers, cell phones, printers, microwave ovens, scanners, laptops — you get the idea. For a complete list or more information call Mary Korba at 508-693-7900, extension 229 or visit
The Long Point Five, an Island repertory ensemble, will play for your pleasure at our library on Wednesday, Oct. 9, at 7 p.m. John Schilling is on trumpet, Julie Schilling on clarinet, Bud Larson on flute and Jeri Larson on piano. The ensemble presents diverse works from Dixieland jazz to American standards and classics. The program is free to all. I’ll see you there.
Continuing to entertain the wee ones while their library is under construction, the West Tisbury library staff of Mother Goose on the Loose invites you and your kiddies to our library next Thursday, Oct. 10, at 10:30 a.m. Remember all children under eight must have a grown-up companion. Our regular library programs also continue for all age sets.
The Wounded Warriors arrived at our airport last Sunday at 4 p.m. and were greeted by firefighters, police, veterans and all their friends here on-Island. We welcome them back and hope the fishing is great!
The mayor of West Chop, Don Mitchell, died last week. Our condolences go out to his devoted wife Hildy and their family. Don was a fixture here and all over Vineyard Haven and the Island, a kinder man never lived. I found out too late to attend the ceremony but I heard it was on a fittingly beautiful day.
Anniversary bouquets go out to Ray and Laurel Redington-Whitaker on Oct. 5. I still remember this as one of the most beautiful weddings I ever had the pleasure to attend.
The birthday bandwagon pulls along Liz Figueroa, Rebecca Palmer, Lizzie Andres, Zach Post, and Michael Sawyer today. Oct. 6 is shared by Ross McPherson and Megan Willey. Oct. 7 is claimed by Kim Samuels. Oct. 9 is a party for Jesse Evan Klein Jacobs, Donna Rhoades and Sarah La Piana. And on Oct. 10, Rob Laffie takes the cake. Many happy returns.
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