Chilmark is working its way through a mild and pretty October. There is a lot going on and everything seems to be under control. The town is having the North Road repaired in places. This last week the Tabor House stretch was paved and now the D.H.’s Hill will be done beginning this Friday and continuing Monday if weather permits. Please call the Chilmark Highway Department at 508-645-2100, extension 2134 or the town hall at 508-645-2101 for last minute information. The work does require a few delays, but passage will be possible. Do you wonder what D.H. stands for? There was a farm on the hill where the homestead is now and it belonged to Daniel Herbert Flanders, thus when the road was first paved 100 years ago they named it after the farmer.
The selectmen are calling a special selectmen’s meeting Oct. 29 to work on the warrant needed for a special town meeting now planned for Nov. 18. The selectmen’s meeting of Nov. 5 will focus on the Menemsha harbor considerations and the proposed harbormaster’s building. The public is always welcome at these meetings that begin at 7 p.m. at town hall.
Mortonson Construction Co., the company which is doing the building of the U.S. Coast Guard boathouse, has sent word that it will be doing some pile driving beginning on Oct. 15 with a diesel hammer. This means that there will be some noise and smoke at the work site. I am a neighbor and I can say that you can hear it but you can stand it!
You can put the banjo back in the box this week because there will be no music night as planned for Sunday at the community center. Alex Karalekas and Warren Doty were planning it and announce the cancellation. Surely they will tell us of the next date for the popular community pot luck and musical.
The 32nd Women’s Symposium will take place at the Chilmark Community Center on Oct. 26 from 9 a.m. to noon. The subject is Finding a Way. There will be speakers and discussion groups and refreshments. Donations are asked to cover costs and all women are welcome to this popular twice a year event. Please call Bonnie George at 508 645 3214 if you have questions.
Hospice of Martha’s Vineyard will be having its annual sale at the Dr. Daniel Fisher House in Edgartown in December. They appreciate any donation of handmade items of all sorts. These will be offered for sale during the open house with the Preservation Trust that will take place as a champagne and treats reception from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Dec. 13. The cost to attend will be $20 per person. On Dec. 14, admission is free and the sale will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. All proceeds go to the efforts of Hospice here on Martha’s Vineyard.
Nancy Luce Strong of Essex, Vt., and John Billard of Vergennes, Vt., are here celebrating Nancy’s 60th vacation at the Luce family home on Chowder Kettle Lane in Menemsha. She first came when she was six months old.
The Massachusetts Department of Fish and Wildlife website will give you all the details about the upcoming deer hunting season. Monday, Oct. 21, begins the hunting season with six weeks of archery hunting. Hunters with computers can check-in their deer on line this year. Remember to wear your orange vest when walking in the woods.
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