The weather is getting colder and the question of the month is “When do you turn your heat on?” Well, most of the answers I hear are Nov. 1. A lot of people say they already have it on and don’t care. I personally turn it on to take the chill off then turn it off again. I also try to wait until Nov. 1.

Happy birthday to all those who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Victoria Marsh, who celebrated her day Oct. 27, Tobias Schaeffer, Oct. 29, Claire Cabral, Oct. 30, and to James Brown who celebrated his day Oct. 31.

Special birthday wishes to Tom Herman of the Edgartown water department who celebrated a milestone birthday this past week.

Mike and Janice Donaroma are back from their trip to the Far East. The trip was their 30th anniversary gift to each other and they were gone for almost a month. Mike reported it was a great trip and the countries were beautiful. He said there were lots of people in very busy cities like those in Singapore. They got lots of pictures and many tales to tell.

The Anchors, Edgartown Council on Aging, will hold an open house from 2 to 4 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 14, to honor Laurie Schreiber, the Anchors’ director of senior services. Laurie is retiring and her last day at the Anchors will be Nov. 22. She has been with the Edgartown Council on Aging for 28 years and has been crucial to the Anchors’ development, operation and services.

The Edgartown library invites you to make a monster diorama or a glow-in-the-dark trick-or-treat bag this Friday, Oct. 25, from 2 to 4 p.m. and Saturday, Oct. 26, from noon to 4 p.m.

Jan Norton reports that her big gray goose Lucy is missing. She is a Toulouse goose and she wanders a little behind Sweeten Water Farm but is never gone this long. If you see her would you please give Jan or Floyd a call.

By next Friday we will be recovered from the time change. Don’t forget to set your clocks back Saturday night. Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.