The Tisbury selectmen will raise fines on overtime parking tickets.
Overtime fines in town are currently set at $15 per offense. By comparison, fines are $20 in Oak Bluffs, $25 in Edgartown and Aquinnah, and $30 in Chilmark.
“I don’t think $15 for parking overtime deters people from parking their cars in the downtown area, near the boats,” town police chief Dan Hanavan said during a public hearing at the selectmen’s meeting Tuesday. Chief Hanavan also recommended increasing fines for parking more than one foot from the curb, parking in the wrong direction and parking at an angle.
“Overtime is the biggest one,” Chief Hanavan said.
Selectmen Jeffrey Kristal and Jonathan Snyder approved the request to increase all four fees to $25. Selectman Tristan Israel did not attend the meeting.
“I think it makes a lot of sense at this point, and it’s been a long time,” Mr. Snyder said. The change will be effective June 1, Chief Hanavan said, as he will need to get new tickets printed.
In other business, the board approved a request from the Vineyard Haven library trustees to put signs on Greenwood avenue and Main street stating that parking adjacent to the library is for patrons only between 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
They also approved a proposal by Julia Kidd to place a sign at the Tashmoo Overlook from April 27 to May 12. The sign will read Of Course, I Have Not Forgotten You. Ms. Kidd previously launched a public art campaign in 2012 to place signs featuring positive messages around the Island.
The board signed off on an LED street lighting program that is in effect in Edgartown, Oak Bluffs, and Chilmark; approved the Boys’ and Girls’s Club ride the Vineyard race, which will take place May 3; appointed Gerard Hokanson to the wastewater planning committee, and James Tilton to the fish committee.
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