Eleanore Benedict Hoar loved stormy weather, so it is very fitting that her burial in the Chappy graveyard on the shore of Pocha Pond was accompanied by a blustery nor’easter. Daughter Ann Floyd remembers her mom taking the gang “sheet flying” at the Point during gales. Dressed in yellow slickers, shoeless with their jeans rolled up, the kids would take turns in twos grasping the corners of a well-worn bed sheet. Bracing themselves with backs to the wind, stretching the sheet between them, raising it high over their heads, they would wait for a good gust, then leap into the air and go flying.
Eleanore took pride in being a member of the Brown Sneaker Set. Her friends in Edgartown called Chappaquiddickers by that name because the children and adults alike would go into town in their off white, aka very dirty, Keds sneakers, most of them with holes in the toes. Eleanore experienced nearly a century of Chappaquiddick history. She died peacefully last Saturday at the age of 96.
Last Friday evening, Chappy’s grammar school-age kids were treated to a sunset shoreside exploration adventure by TTOR’s Molly Peach and Savannah Lawson. Eighteen kids romped around the marsh after moths and fiddler crabs. An equal number of parents and grandparents enjoyed the beauty of Pocha Pond, lit by the setting sun. As the kids scooped up minnows seined into shore by Molly and Savannah, the older folks engaged in animated conversation and marveled at the thinnest of crescent moons. More expeditions and adventures are planned.
Potluck dinners at the Chappy Community Center are scheduled on the first and third Wednesdays of the month through spring. Appetizers start at 6 with dinner at 6:30 p.m. Please bring enough of your chosen dish to serve six. The sign-up list for hosting is complete through the end of the calendar year. You can still have the high honor of being the first to host in the new year. Call Lynn at 508-627-8222 to sign up.
There is still time for last minute sign ups for Amanda Cohen’s Autumn Yoga Retreat on Saturday, Oct. 11, from 9 a.m. to noon. Sign up by emailing her at mettayogamv@gmail.com or calling 508-274-9570. All levels of experience are welcome.
The Slip Away Farm Fall Festival is Saturday, Oct. 4, from 10 a.m. to noon. There will be interesting food and crafts demonstrations, music and face painting and my personal favorite, apple bobbing. All ages are welcome and the event is free!
As you know, each fall one of the Chappy ferries must be hauled out of the water for its Coast Guard hull inspection and maintenance. At the moment we don’t have a firm date as we are awaiting the return of the rebuilt marine railway carriage. The ferryboats take turns at hauling out. This year it is the On Time 2 that will be away and that is good news. The On Time 3 is the bigger of the two ferries and much more capable of handling the traffic flow alone than the smaller On Time 2. The difference is only nine feet in length, but that makes all of the difference. Watch for signs at the ferry. I’ll let you know what’s happening as soon as I know.
Send your Chappy news to: peter@chappyferry.net.
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