For those of you who know I am recovering off-Island, be assured that my telephone number above is connected to where I am now, so do not hesitate to call me with your guests, your news, your outings. The email address is also up and running. I am disappointed that no one has written to me, and, not to my knowledge, to Abby McGrath, about helping us with a housing rental or donation for Renaissance House, the annual writers’ workshop inspired by Dorothy West and Helene Johnson. I wanted you to realize you could email or call me at the above number for any leads you may have on this housing. If you prefer, write to Abby directly at Thank you for your consideration of our community of writers.
Our library hosts writers whenever possible. Join us at the library on Saturday at 2 p.m. for a talk and book signing with Kay Scheidler. Her new book is Standards Matter, which is regarding common core standards in reading and writing.
Speaking of our library, the Great Discussions group program began Thursday night. Perhaps you can still get in on it. Betty?
As far as books go, Nonna finished reading Erik Larsen’s Dead Wake, about the Lusitania, and I have started it. I finished reading Atul Gawande’s Being Mortal. I believe this should be required reading for everyone. I think it will also give anyone in on the planning for the senior facilities a very good insight into what we need and how we might make renovations.
I still can’t get over that Mike Manfredi and I are in two of the same groups, You Know You’re from White Plains and Islanders Talk. Mike has put out the call on Islanders Talk about another group he participates in, MV Plant Trading and Gardening Group. The group has over 3,000 members. All you green thumbs, go there!
The First Baptist Church on William street invites you to its Easter Sunday service on Eastville beach at 9 a.m. I wish a glorious day for all of you. There will be a breakfast at the parish hall at 9:45 am. The Easter Sunday Alleluia service will commence in the church at 11 a.m. So, happy Easter, happy Passover where it applies this weekend.
I must single out a special friend of mine, mother of one of our esteemed veterinarians, Muriel Gerhard. As we speak Muriel is tearing up 95 to be here in time to host her Seder dinner at her Island home with her large group of family and friends. What makes it very special is that Muriel will be 90 next week. My mother says Muriel is a spring chicken.
A wonderful baby shower was held last Sunday for my dear friend, Ashley Willoughby. Ashley’s baby is due in May. I know the gender but I still believe surprises are worth it, so I am not telling you until the kid comes out.
I was gobsmacked to see my Stones will tour again this summer. I have not missed going to at least one show on each tour they have done in the U.S. since they began in 1965 — Academy of Music on 14th street in New York city. My last show was in 2007 when my son Chris Clark was stationed at Henderson Hall Marine Corps base in Washington, D.C. I went there to visit Chris. He surprised me with tickets for the Stones the very next night. It’s only rock n’ roll but I like it.
May I be condemned to missing the last boat on Memorial Day weekend when I try to return for neglecting to inform you of Nicole Stagg’s birthday on Friday, March 27. I believe it was her 29th.
The birthday bandwagon pulls along Jim Reynolds, Dennis Rogers, and twins Chrissy and Charley McCarthy today. Tomorrow shines on Amber Willoughby, Tine Sonderby, and Sue Rice. April 5 honors Gary Mayrand, Tripta Bahal, Dan Fleming, Julian David Burghoff and John Valley. April 6 is a celebration for Ken Vanderlaske, Kelsey Forend-Healy, Paul Bangs and Kathryn Lang. On April 7, Muriel Gerhard will be 90! April 8 is claimed by Simon Goldberg. And on April 9, Laura Daly, April Cimeno and Nick Weyl take the cake. Many happy returns.
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