The West Tisbury building inspector will seek action in court against a local trash hauler for repeated violations that have gone unanswered.

Building inspector Joseph Tierney told the town selectmen last week that Monte Bizzarro had been cited twice this winter after a broken fence, debris and unsecured containers were found during a routine inspection of a storage site in the light industrial district. The site is leased to ABC Disposal. Rules for screening and storage are spelled out in a special permit for the site and four others like it behind John Keene’s pit on Dr. Fisher Road.

Mr. Tierney said he sent two letters by registered mail to Mr. Bizzarro, informing him of the violations, with fines. The first was dated Feb. 18, with a fine for $100, and the second was March 16 with a $300 fine.

After the first letter, ABC said they would pay the fine and correct the violations. But not everything was corrected, and the fine was not paid, the building inspector said.

He asked the selectmen for advice on how to proceed. “I did go by the site today and it still wasn’t in compliance, I’ve called the owner and I’ve also cited him twice,” Mr. Tierney said.

Selectman Jeffrey (Skipper) Manter 3rd said there is a procedure for taking the violator to court; he suggested Mr. Tierney pick up forms from the police station that will get the process rolling.