The weekend weather was just delightful. Activity will pick up even more in this town in advance of the fair. In two weeks a significant amount of summer traffic and visitors will begin to head in the other direction as the summer season slowly begins winding down for another year.
We welcome President Obama, the First Lady, and their family, who will be arriving Saturday for a well-earned vacation.
The 155th annual Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society Fair begins on Thursday, August 18, and runs until Sunday evening. The theme of the fair this year is Timeless Traditions. Fair books are available at the Agricultural Hall office on Panhandle Road, which has been open since Monday when preparations for the fair began in earnest. Fair manager Eleanor Neubert wants to remind each exhibitor of the policy regarding entry forms. All entry forms must be turned in to the staff by Monday, August 15 at 5 p.m. This policy has increased efficiency and eliminated the long lines of people waiting on Wednesday afternoon. At the 16th Annual Fiber Tent exhibition there will be spinners, weavers, knitters, and an assortment of animals. The fair book gives a complete schedule of events, plus details on all the categories should you be planning to enter an exhibit, and the necessary forms.
Ashley Medowski reports that she is having an artist’s reception Saturday 5 to 8 p.m. to mark her 15th annual art show at her gallery at 367 Lambert’s Cove Road. She will be showing new artwork and her theme this year is birds, boats, fish woodcarvings, and driftwood sculpture. In addition to a superb view of James Pond from her studio, refreshments will be served.
Anita and Iwan Tol, of Volendam in the Netherlands, arrived on Thursday for a visit. Anita was the Rosenthals’ au pair many years ago. Iwan took flying lessons from Arthur Marx and he now is a veteran pilot for KLM airlines.
Denise Mount and her husband Don Evon, of Canton, Conn., have arrived for their yearly visit with us. They have been coming to visit for several years and we always enjoy a fun time together.
Connie Koch of Washington D.C. arrived recently to spend the remainder of the summer at her Edgartown Road home. She will be busy preparing for family visits.
Charlie Kernick, of Edgartown Road, reports that he picked up his wife Stevie at the boat earlier this week. She had been down south visiting her family. Needless to say he is so pleased she is back home.
Dionis Montrowl reports that the Congregational Church will be holding its eight annual peach festival on Saturday August 13 from noon to 4 p.m. They will be serving fresh peaches, smoothies, Mad Martha’s special fresh peach ice cream, cobblers and peach shortcake topped with fresh whipped cream. Baked goods and treats of all kinds will be available to take home. Proceeds go to support the missions of the church.
Susan Block reports that the MV Partnership for Health is recruiting new class leaders to become trained to conduct seminars on powerful tools for caregivers. This program has been designed to support caregivers of adults with a chronic condition in a way that enhances the caregiver’s well-being as they care for others. This free training will be provided on Sept. 12 and 13 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Tisbury Senior Center. Training materials, lunch, and snacks will be provided. For more information call 508-627-5797, ext. 114.
Margot Datz invites you to her art show and reception Saturday from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Grange Hall. The theme of her show is Flower Power, metaflorical paintings about life.
With all the controversy surrounding a vitally important social program for many, a timely trivia item at your next party is: Monday marks the 81st anniversary of the Social Security Act, signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Many of the negative things said about it are strikingly similar to what has been said of the Affordable Care Act.
Happy birthday to: Janet Alley, Patricia Cliggott, and Susan Klein Friday; Mary Donlavey, Donna Diaz, and Colleen Barnett Saturday; Martha Moore, Danguole Gabis, and Alice Hopkins on Sunday; Debbie Brew, Keston Smith, Tom Hodgson, and Helen Brown on Monday; Claire Gray, Kim O’Connor, Marcia MacGillvary, and Robyn Hanover on Tuesday; Jim Pritchard, Erik Lowe, and Danielle Smith on Wednesday; and Rosemary Van Nes, Linda Carroll, Diana Waring, and J C Murphy on Thursday. Belated birthday greetings to Goodie Stiller and Barack Obama and anniversary wishes to Ed and Holly Eger, George and Andrea Hartman today, Rosemary and Nick Van Nes on Tuesday, and Jon and Genevieve Randall celebrate their 27th on Monday. Bob and Anne Ganz celebrated their 53rd last week.
That is all of the news for this week’s column. If you have any news please call or e-mail me. Have a good week.
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