Next Thursday is the first day of the fall season and we are thankful for all of our summer memories as September is slipping away as quick as you can say Jack Frost! We know he is waiting just around the corner but it doesn’t seem possible with the summer weather we are still enjoying. Folks are busy harvesting the last of their vegetables from their gardens, and what few berries that were available for canning, and settling into their fall routine as the sun is now setting before 7 p.m. Jane Konicki reminds you it is National Coffee Day on Sept. 29.

Susan Block reports that she and Hasty Runner were walking on Music street toward the Agricultural Hall on Monday and as they walked past Middle Road they spotted a baby deer standing in the road about 20 feet ahead of them. After a few moments it turned to the right, flicked its tail and walked off into the brush. A couple of seconds later another baby deer about the same size appeared from the left and ran across to the other side then a few moments after that a much smaller baby deer appeared from the left and ran across to the other side. Susan said neither one of had a camera to catch the moment.

Jen Wool of South Road works constantly around the Blue Barque to keep it in pristine condition. She was the person who planned its restoration two years ago. It was once the premier tea house of the 1920s. She has been invited to join the morning coffee club on the porch of Alley’s Store.

Rosemarie Ovian is at her Music street home for another week. She has been vacationing here and enjoying herself. The weather has been good so she has enjoyed a lot of outdoor activities.

Ann Quigley over at the library reports that on Thursday at 6 p.m. the Martha’s Vineyard Cultural Council will be holding an information meeting for potential applicants at the library. A new grant cycle soon begins for cultural council grants in fiscal year 2017. All community members are encouraged to learn more about this funding opportunity for arts and culture initiatives.

On Oct. 12, 1949 Robin Elwell of Arrowhead Farm in Indian Hill was elected president of the Agricultural Society at their annual meeting at the Agricultural Hall. Miss Polly Mayhew was elected secretary and William Pinney treasurer. Trustees elected were Albert O. Fisher Jr., Arnold M. Fisher, Jesse Steere and Theodore Meinelt. Mr. Meinelt was also appointed chairman of the 1950 fair. Mrs. Alice Mathewson read a report on the 1949 fair and a vote of thanks was given for her splendid work. It was also voted to mail out a questionnaire to the public seeking their opinion on how to improve future fairs.

Happy birthday to: Charlie Kernick, Greg Pachico, Brendan Karalekas, and Scott Britney Friday; Celine Segel, Jason Kurth, and Jill Murtha Saturday; Sandra Bernat, Mary Dacey, and Laura Marshard on Sunday; Eleanor Stanwood, Susan Block, Sara Alwardt, and Marcy Holmes on Monday; Marilyn Hollinshead, Tony Rezendes, Allan McDowell, and Susan Silk on Tuesday; Robert Wittig, Amanda Dickinson, Judy and Larry Schubert, and Angela Scarborough on Wednesday; and Carole Kimberly, Ted Lowe, Kristie Lepine, Michael Mazza, and Nancy Strecker on Thursday. Twelfth anniversary wishes tomorrow to Bruce Blackwell and Brandon Wight.

Well that is all of the social news for this week’s column. If you have any news please call or e-mail me. Have a great week.

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