Alley Estrella and Justin Alexander, with stowaway Kian Alexander, were first triple kayak to finish. Maria Thibodeau

Sunday, August 27, 2017

The 26th annual Oar and Paddle regatta sponsored by Island Spirit Kayak brought watercraft of all kinds — kayaks, canoes, stand up paddleboards, and one pilot dinghy—  to Sengekontacket Pond on Saturday. Eighty-three contestants of all ages dipped oars in the water for a two-mile paddle on a beautiful summer day, with two swimmers joining along in the action. Dana Gaines crossed the finish line first in his single kayak with a time of 23:02, and Pam Browning was the first woman to finish, paddling across the finish line in her single kayak at 25:19. Adrian Johnson finished first in the stand up paddleboard division with a time of 27:13. Some completed with the race with good luck charms on board: Charles Williams and Bridget Dunnigan finished third in the double kayak category along with their two dogs, both cancer survivors. Complete results are available online.


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Chick Stapleton, Island Spirit Kayak
26th Annual Island Spirit Oar & Paddle Regatta The 26th Annual Oar & Paddle was an amazing success! The water was flat glass and perfect conditions for the 2.45 mile course starting in Sengekontacket Pond, through Big Bridge and finishing at The Little Bridge, ocean side off State Beach. The pond was at low tide, so the times were a little slower than in the past, but the race was just as intense. Dana Gaines wins again, but had a tight finish for him with Brian Beasley, a guide for Island Spirit Kayak, only 1:13 behind, which is a shorter gap than Dana is used to, so he'd better watch out next year. Pam Browning, used to live on the Vineyard and came back to take 4th place overall with an outstanding time of: 25:19. Another hand crafted cedar strip Greenland style kayak built by Randy Durbin graced the water in this years regatta, bringing his fleet to three. All three of Randy’s home built kayaks placed in the top 15. Charles Williams and Bridget Dunnigan w/ dogs Hogan & Mullet are well decorated paddlers of the Regatta, both dogs are cancer survivors. Two swimmers, Beth May Goodell and Matt Coffey absolutely crushed the course. The race is a sposored event by Island Spirit Kayak, in which they donate their entire fleet for the day to paddle for cleaner waters! All profits raised are donated to Friends of Sengekontacket. Grill Masters: Mike & Jenny Dowd Music Provided by: Gian Carlo Buscaglia Equipment, beach party & staff donated by: Island Spirit Kayak TOP 15 Finishers: 1 Dana Gaines M 23:02 Single Kayak Surfski Fiberglass 2 Brian Beasley M 24:15 Single Sea Kayak Wooden Home built kayak 3 Dick Clark M 24:31 Single Kayak Surfski Fiberglass 4 Pam Browning F 25:19 Single Kayak Sit on top Fiberglass 5 Louis de Geofroy M 25:38 Single Kayak Sit in Single Fiberglass 6 Percy Burt M 25:41 Single Kayak Plastic 7 Tucker Cosgrove M 25:58 Single Kayak Sea Kayak Plastic 8 Charles Schmidt M 26:05 Single Kayak Sea kayak Plastic 9 Joe Cosgrove M 26:30 Single Kayak Sea Kayak Plastic 10 David Charles M 26:46 Single Kayak Surfski Fiberglass 11 Ian Schmidt M 27:01 Single Kayak Sea kayak Plastic 12 John Robinson M 27:06 Single Kayak Sea Kayak Wooden Home built kayak 13 Adrian Johnson M 27:13 SUP SUP Fiberglass 14 Meghan Sonia F 27:15 Single Kayak Sea Kayak Fiberglass 15 Randy Durbin M 27:39 Single Kayak Sea kayak Wooden Home built kayak Winners by Category Double Canoe 1 Henry Nieder David Vigneault M/M 32:05 DOUBLE CANOE 2 Elizabeth Morris Mike O'Callaghan M/F 35:01 DOUBLE CANOE Double Kayak 1 Coach Schofield JR Thomas M 30:51 DOUBLE KAYAK 2 Terry Goplerud Eric Goplerud M 30:53 DOUBLE KAYAK 3 Charles Williams Bridget Dunnigan M 33:00 DOUBLE KAYAK w/ dogs Hogan & Mullet - Both dogs are cancer survivors 4 Antoine Ramier Emilie Ouellet M 37:16 DOUBLE KAYAK 5 Alley Estrella Justin Alexander Kian Stapleton F/M/M 38:47 DOUBLE KAYAK 6 Keith Goplerud Sharon Roth M 39:22 DOUBLE KAYAK 7 Matthew Giacobbe Mercedes Catayi M 40:39 DOUBLE KAYAK 8 Anne Sullivan Amanda Parker F 41:52 DOUBLE KAYAK 9 Suzanne Price Abigail Price F 42:03 DOUBLE KAYAK 10 Michelle Price Irene Price F/F 44:31 Double Kayak Pilot Dinghy 1 Dean Wilbur M 38:21 PILOT DINGHY Pilot Dinghy Single Kayak 1 Dana Gaines M 23:02 SINGLE KAYAK Surfski 2 Brian Beasley M 24:15 SINGLE KAYAK Sea Kayak 3 Dick Clark M 24:31 SINGLE KAYAK Surfski 4 Pam Browning F 25:19 SINGLE KAYAK Sit on top Single 5 Louis de Geofroy M 25:38 SINGLE KAYAK Sit in Single 6 Percy Burt M 25:41 SINGLE KAYAK Sit on top 7 Tucker Cosgrove M 25:58 SINGLE KAYAK Sea Kayak 8 Charles Schmidt M 26:05 SINGLE KAYAK Sea kayak 9 Joe Cosgrove M 26:30 SINGLE KAYAK Sea Kayak 10 David Charles M 26:46 SINGLE KAYAK Surfski SUP 1 Adrian Johnson M 27:13 SUP SUP 2 Lee Zachary M 28:40 SUP SUP 3 Ben Josephs M 31:37 SUP SUP 4 Liam Cosgrove M 36:35 SUP SUP 5 Lisa Dmitri F 47:22 SUP SUP 6 Emily Josephs F 49:20 SUP SUP 7 Meg Delisle F 50:23 SUP SUP From Hawaii 8 John Jordan M 50:26 SUP SUP 9 Marty Minozzi F 50:57 SUP SUP First time on this board 10 Sharon Engler F 56:23 SUP SUP Swimmer 1 Matt Coffey M 52:33 SWIMMER Swimmer 2 Beth May Goodell F 1:18:15 SWIMMER Swimmer Winners by Age Category Youth Winners SUP: Ada Coffey 7 Years old Single Kayak: Elizabeth Silva, 10 years old Double Kayak: Nick Pecararo(13) & Collin Stapleton(6) Female 1-19 1 Meghan Sonia F 27:15 SINGLE KAYAK Sea Kayak 2 Allyse Guyther F 38:28 DOUBLE KAYAK Sit on Top Double 3 Alley Estrella F 38:47 DOUBLE KAYAK Sit on Top Double 4 Elizabeth Silua F 51:34 SINGLE KAYAK Sit on top Single 5 Hannah Madsen F 1:04:38 SUP SUP From Texas Male 1-19 1 Tucker Cosgrove M 25:58 SINGLE KAYAK Sea Kayak 2 Liam Cosgrove M 36:35 SUP SUP 3 Ryan Laslovich M 40:26 SINGLE KAYAK Sit on top Single 4 Nick Pecararo M 42:31 DOUBLE KAYAK Sit on Top Double 5 Zachary Mathias M 48:58 SINGLE KAYAK Sit in Single Female 20-29 1 Olivia de Geofroy F 34:00 SINGLE KAYAK Sit on top Single 2 Elise Goplerud F 38:55 SINGLE KAYAK Sit on top Single 3 Fiona Macleod F 41:09 SINGLE KAYAK Sit on top Single 4 Anne Sullivan F 41:52 DOUBLE KAYAK Sit on top Double 5 Angie Scotti F 48:02 DOUBLE KAYAK Sit on top Double Male 20-29 1 Brian Beasley M 24:15 SINGLE KAYAK Home built Cedar Strip kayak 2 Joe Cosgrove M 26:30 SINGLE KAYAK Sea Kayak 3 Ben Josephs M 31:37 SUP SUP 4 Antoine Ramier M 37:16 DOUBLE KAYAK Sit on top Single 5 Keith Goplerud M 39:22 DOUBLE KAYAK Sit on top Double Female 30-39 1 Tricia Clark F 29:18 SINGLE KAYAK Surfski 2 Andrea Goplerud F 34:31 SINGLE KAYAK Sit on top Single 3 Dina Nagdimunova F 36:18 SINGLE KAYAK Sit on top Single 4 Michelle Price F 44:31 DOUBLE KAYAK Sit on Top Double 5 Heather van MurphyF 47:51 SINGLE KAYAK Sit on top Single Male 30-39 1 Tim Barkman M 44:16 DOUBLE KAYAK Sit on Top Double 2 Matt Coffey M 52:33 SWIMMER Swimmer Female 40-49 1 Suzanne Price F 42:03 DOUBLE KAYAK Sit on Top Double 2 Lisa Dmitri F 47:22 SUP SUP 3 Lyle Steere F 53:05 DOUBLE KAYAK Sit on top Double 4 Sharm Engler F 56:23 SUP SUP Male 40-49 1 Charles Schmidt M 26:05 SINGLE KAYAK Sit in Single Sea kayak 2 Ian Schmidt M 27:01 SINGLE KAYAK Sit in Single Sea kayak 3 Adrian Johnson M 27:13 SUP SUP 4 Lee Zachary M 28:40 SUP SUP 5 Nathaniel Price M 42:51 DOUBLE KAYAK Sit on Top Double Female 50-59 1 Marty Minozzi F 50:57 SUP SUP First time on this board 2 Beth May Goodell F 1:18:15 SWIMMER Swimmer Male 50-59 1 Percy Burt M 25:41 SINGLE KAYAK Sit on top Single 2 Charles Williams M 33:00 DOUBLE KAYAK Sit in Double Both dogs are cancer survivors 3 Dean Wilbur M 38:21 PILOT DINGHY Pilot Dinghy 4 James Scotti M 47:59 DOUBLE KAYAK Sit on top Double 5 Jon Shoates M 52:38 SINGLE KAYAK Sit on top Single Female 60-69 1 Nancy Corvese F 30:47 SINGLE KAYAK Sit in Single Sea kayak 2 Elizabeth Morris F 35:01 DOUBLE CANOE Double Canoe 3 Jan Goplerud F 37:53 SINGLE KAYAK Sit on top Single Male 60-69 1 Louis de Geofroy M 25:38 SINGLE KAYAK Sit in Single 2 David Charles M 26:46 SINGLE KAYAK Surfski 3 John Robinson M 27:06 SINGLE KAYAK Home built Cedar Strip kayak 4 Randy Durbin M 27:39 SINGLE KAYAK Home built Cedar Strip kayak 5 Terry Goplerud M 30:53 DOUBLE KAYAK Sit on top Double Female 70+ 1 Diane Dmitri F 47:49 SINGLE KAYAK Sit on top Single 2 Patricia Tyra F 58:23 SINGLE KAYAK Sit on top Single Male 70+ 1 Dick Clark M 24:31 SINGLE KAYAK Surfski 2 Dan Renehan M 28:16 SINGLE KAYAK Sit on top Single 3 Miles Schmidt M 30:25 SINGLE KAYAK Sit on top Single 4 Coach Schofield M 30:51 DOUBLE KAYAK Sit on top Double 5 Pat Loftls M 33:43 SINGLE KAYAK Sit on Top Single
August 28, 2017 - 1:01pm


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