While a home-rule petition to ban rental mopeds moves forward, Oak Bluffs selectmen voted unanimously on Tuesday to renew the operating licenses of three moped rental companies under a new management structure.

Richard Sampieri, of Delray Beach, Fla., is listed as the applicant for Island Hoppers, LLC, and King of Rentals of MV, LLC. Aguimar Carlos is listed as the applicant for the third company, Ride-On Mopeds, Inc.

Jason Leone still holds a financial interest in all three companies.

Speaking for all three companies at the meeting Tuesday, Mr. Carlos’s wife Penny Wong offered to reduce the number of mopeds at Ride-On Mopeds from 120 to 80, in exchange for licenses to rent an additional 30 automobiles.

“I hope that the board recognizes that we have tried to work hard with the town,” Ms. Wong said. “There were no major violations last year.”

Ms. Wong said the companies have hired Vineyard Haven businessman Bob Breth, former owner of Martha’s Bikes in Vineyard Haven, to manage all three moped rental businesses.

Mr. Breth told selectmen that he will comply with any parameters set by the town.

“I run a pretty tight ship,” he said. “The training will be first rate, our equipment is going to be upgraded.”

Several members of Mopeds Are Dangerous Action Committee, an advocacy group, questioned whether selectmen have the authority under town bylaws to transfer licenses to a new applicant.

“All three companies have several shareholders,” Ms. Wong said. “The shareholders have not changed, but Jason is now concentrating on his shop in Vineyard Haven.”

Town administrator Bob Whritenour said the licenses were reviewed and approved by town counsel.

Selectman Brian Packish said he continues to support the home-rule petition approved at town meeting and now before the state legislature that would allow the town to ban commercial moped rentals. He said he welcomed fewer mopeds on the roads.

“For me, any reduction is a step in the right direction,” Mr. Packish said.

The board asked police chief Erik Blake to collect and submit rental records for the three companies two weeks after the beginning of the license period, and again at the end of the summer season, for their inspection.

In other action Tuesday evening, selectmen unanimously appointed Cheryll Sashin to the newly consolidated position of treasurer/tax collector. Ms. Sashin currently holds the position of tax collector.