Well today is the beginning of a long holiday weekend. Monday is Martin Luther King Day so the schools, post office and all town buildings will be closed. Last weekend the thermometer did not go above 32 degrees for an entire day. We also have the first frost on the ground of the winter season.
Phyllis Meras, of Music Street, returned home on Friday from New York city. Along with her business obligations, she found time to visit a few museums and was particularly impressed by an Armenian exhibit. She was lucky to get a ride to her door by Lynn Christopher.
Cynthia Riggs reports that everyone is invited to her 31st Annual Groundhog Day Celebration on Friday, Feb. 2nd, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Cleaveland House on Edgartown Road. All are welcome. Bring your favorite hors d’ouvres, if you’d like, but that’s not a requirement. Parking will be in the west pasture in can easily be reached if you take the first left as you turn down New Lane Road. For more information, call Cynthia at 508-693-9352.
Peggy Stone of the Parks and Recreation committee reports that the winter recreation program is now ongoing on Saturdays at the school gym 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sports, art and theater are offered for grades one through five. Chess club is on Wednesdays in the school cafeteria for grades one through eight. The annual Free Family Skate will be Sunday Feb. 3 from 12 to 1 p.m. at the MV Arena. Bring a snack or dessert to share.
Marjorie Pierce reports that the Wednesday night Community Suppers have begun at the First Congregational Church. Dinner is at 5:30 p.m. but you may come in from the cold starting at 5pm for coffee and fellowship. Everyone is welcome. If you have questions or need transportation please call the church office at 508-693-2842. Also If you would like to make a contribution of food please contact her directly at 508-221-0314.
Olivia Larsen over at the library reports on some of the upcoming activities: On Monday the library will be closed in observance of Martin Luther King Day. On Tuesday at 11 a.m., Little Bird’s Laura Jordan will lead another music class for kids of seasonal songs and movement. Children of all ages welcome. On Wednesday at 10:30 a.m., come to “Classical Music is for You!” with by David Rhoderick. This weekly class is devoted to the appreciation of classical music. On Thursday at 4:30 p.m. students from “Plastic Free MV” will lead a Q and A about the upcoming plastic bottle bylaw that will be on the warrant at town meeting.
On February 1, 1954 Stanley Eddy of Chilmark announced he had leased the former Ole Borgen/Maud Call store which he had purchased at public auction last summer to Miss Erdine Cobb, of New York city. The building has had many uses over the years: store, post office, restaurant, bookstore and a parlor that featured famous home-made ice cream and penny candy. In addition, it was also the headquarters of the only filling station in North Tisbury which sold Texaco Fire Chief Gasoline and had just one pump but no sign. Miss Cobb plans to operate a special kind of catering service. It will be limited to providing casserole dishes, hors d’oeurves, sandwiches and canapés for cocktail parties and teas. Miss Cobb has named her business the Covered Dish and she plans to open around Memorial Day. The business will be open only during the peak season as Miss. Cobb will be otherwise employed during the winter months. She will take up residency in the newly remodeled apartment about May 1 when all the renovation work will be completed. Miss Cobb is excited at this golden opportunity and believes it will be a profitable business venture.
Happy Birthday to: Eleanor Dale Neubert, Julia Wells, Marie-Louise Rouff, Chris Fielder and Deborah Gray today, Patty Linn, Christine Wiley, Andy Estrella, Inez Janger and Jessica Daniels tomorrow, Nancy Cabot, Lee McCormack, Nancy Rogers, Jena Wingood and Mary Pate on Sunday, Bob Luskin, Catlin Lewis, Carl Tack, Tanya Larsen, Nili Goldstein and John Mancuso, on Monday, Sandy Atwood, Hilary Wall and Anya Toteanu on Tuesday, Georgiana White, Ann Quigley, Kristine Scheffer, Alexandra Rothwell and Paul Vanlandingham on Wednesday, Zack Wiesner, Lewis Waring and Dan Sharkovitz on Thursday. Belated birthday greetings to Catherine Deese and Aki Sharpe. 50th anniversary greetings to a swell couple Chris and Diane Abbot.
Well that is all of the social news for this week’s edition. If you have any news please call or e-mail me. A trivia item that could come in handy at your next social gathering: Our Market, in Oak Bluffs, received its first shipment of Krueger’s canned beer and ale 84 years ago Monday. Krueger was the first brewery to try this new method of marketing their product and it was an instant success. Have a great week.
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