Marion Horne Dowley of Skaneateles, N.Y. died on April 1 in her 93rd year in her home on 4001 State street with family and friends at her side. She was predeceased by her husband, George, on Jan. 7, 2011.
Marnie was born in Hartford, Conn. on July 15, 1917. She attended the Hartridge School in Plainfield, N.J. from kindergarten through the 12th grade and graduated from Vassar in 1936. She attended the Columbia School of Social Work from 1939 to 1940. She was married to George (Pidge) Dowley on Sept. 7, 1940. They resided in Syracuse from 1940 to 1942, Troy, N.Y. from 1947 to 1950, Syracuse from 1950 to 1978, and Skaneateles from 1979 to 2011. They were happily married for 70 years, and possessing an adventurous and independent spirit, traveled and sailed regularly to their favorite parts of the world. A lover of the outdoors, Marnie loved hiking, birding, canoeing, and spending summers in Maine with Pidge and her children and grandchildren.
Marnie always found ways to give back to others. She was a breast cancer survivor and worked in hospitals counseling other women dealing with the disease. Marnie was a trustee of Syracuse Memorial Hospital (now Crouse), president of the Huntington Family Service Agency, member of the Junior League of Syracuse, an elder at Park Central Presbyterian Church and a deacon at the First Presbyterian Church of Skaneateles, as well as an Honorary Life Member of the Presbyterian Women of the Presbyterian Church USA. She was also a member of the Portfolio Club, and the Skaneateles Leisure Hour group. For all of her works she received one of the Post Standard’s Women of the Year Awards.
Marnie is survived by four children and their spouses, Peter and Susan Dowley of Aiken, S.C., David and Carol Dowley of Roque Bluffs, Me., Luke Dowley of Stowe, Vt., Susan and Henry Merrill of Hope, Me., seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
A memorial service will be held at the Presbyterian Church of Skaneateles on Saturday, April 16 and a private memorial service will be held by the family in Maine this summer.
Marnie is the sister in law of Lal Dowley of East Chop. Lal is the widow of Robert C. Dowley, Pidge Dowley’s younger brother. The Dowleys have been active on East Chop since 1900. George B. Dowley or “Grandfather Dowley” built his house on East Chop in the early 1900’s and later founded both the East Chop Tennis Club and the East Chop Beach Club. His house remains in the family.
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