Patricia Anne Breed deKoven died in her home on Tuesday, April 5. She was 85.

Ms. deKoven was born in New Jersey and attended Bard College. Afterwards she obtained a degree in occupational therapy in Boston and practiced in New York city. She was very musical and sang in the Dessoff Choir for many years.

Later, she lived in New Haven, Conn., where she worked with children, in particular, an autistic child for which she was written up in the New Haven Register..

She moved to Edgartown in the 1970s where she opened up the Mullen Way Nursery School. A dedicated teacher, she was much loved by her students and their parents alike.

Ms. deKoven is the author of several children’s books including If I were a Wheel, and Just About the Right Size, has written many poems which were published both in English and in Spanish and was a frequent contributor to the local newspapers. She was fluent in several languages including Spanish and Russian and played several instruments.

She had an insatiable thirst for all things spiritual and looked to the traditions of the Taoists, Tibetan Buddhists, Zen masters, Native Americans, Christian mystics and countless others, including poets, artists, and musicians in her quest to understand the destiny of her true self. In that sense, she had a faith in something beyond the mere material life, and was very courageous in the past few months as her physical body began to fail her. Her beloved cat, Cricket, stayed by her side during this time and was a constant source of comfort and care, representing the epitome of love and loyalty.

She retired and moved to Vineyard Haven in the 1990s. She was very dedicated to the cause of Native American rights to which she contributed her book sales.

Ms. deKoven is survived by her sister, Susan, a nephew and two nieces.

The family held a private memorial. In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to the Native American Rights Fund.