Kelly Dorr Hazell died on Friday, May 24 surrounded by her children, Emerson and Avery, and closest loved ones.

She was diagnosed with ALS in January and met her diagnosis with tremendous courage. Kelly’s final day, similar to her nature, was sunny, peaceful and warm. Her room was filled with fragrances of newly blossoming flowers and Peter Tosh on the radio.

Kelly spent her life by the ocean.

She was born in Long Beach, Calif. and shortly moved to Newport, R.I. where her family established roots after her father retired from the Navy. She was one of seven children and learned to establish herself early on.

At 17, she sailed to the Caribbean with her then partner St Clair (Trinny) Hazell, and spent the next 20 years living between Rhode Island and Bequia (St Vincent and the Grenadines), where Trinny is from.

During that time, they led sailing charters throughout the Caribbean on their sailboat, had cookouts on deserted beaches and met interesting characters from all walks of life. While she was in Newport, she helped managed an art gallery, Viewpoint, where she met some of her closest friends. Years later while designing and building their house by the sea, she had their two beloved children, Emerson and Avery.

In 2001, Kelly, Emerson and Avery moved to Martha’s Vineyard, joining family members Clifford and Leah Dorr, Kim Angell, Joe and Beka El-Diery and their respective families. She worked as an accountant for more than 20 years, quickly becoming beloved by her clients for her calm and reassuring manner as well as her broad knowledge. As it’s often the case on the Island, clients soon became friends.

While her time was too short, Kelly filled her life to the brim with adventure and with love. Known for her unwavering kindness, her compassionate heart, her quiet and quick sense of humor, deep love and care for her family and friends, she created lifelong friendships and community around her. She will be deeply missed by many.

Kelly is survived by her two children Emerson and Avery Hazell, as well as numerous family and many, many friends. A celebration of life will be held in September on the Vineyard with details to follow.