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Constance Martha Brooks Malm, 95

Constance Martha Brooks Malm died of natural causes on October 30, 2020 in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Margaret Vincent Kelley, 89

Margaret Vincent (Peg) Kelley died on July 3 after a brief illness.

Dr. James Royal Malm, 94

Dr. James Royal Malm died Sept. 21, 2019, on Amelia Island, Fla.

James Turner Ciciora, 93

James Turner Ciciora of Oak Bluffs died on July 16 at his home in Oak Bluffs.

Joan W. Greer, 89

Joan W. Greer, a longtime resident of Chappaquiddick, died on July 4 at her home in Gulf Shores, Ala. after a prolonged illness.

Carolyn Jane Gould Edmunds, 92

Carolyn Jane Gould Edmunds of Falmouth died peacefully on July 9.

Ashley Thomas DePriest, 77

Ashley Thomas DePriest died peacefully at Newton Wellesley Hospital on July 17 after a long illness.

Graveside Service for Doris Isabelle Williams

A graveside memorial service for Doris Isabelle Williams will be held on July 16 at Oak Grove Cemetery in Oak Bluffs.

Ursula Prada, 62

Ursula Prada died on July 9 at her home in Edgartown.
