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Dexter P. Nerney, 74

Dexter P. Nerney of Oak Bluffs died Sept. 11 of natural causes on Nashawena island.

Paul Bruce Lewellyn, 82

Paul Bruce Lewellyn of Vineyard Haven died at home on Sept. 14.

Eleanor Frances Tompkins, 96

Eleanore Frances Tompkins died July 11.

Rosamond Fay Isenberg, 91

Rosamond Fay Isenberg of Palm Beach and Edgartown died at her home in Hidden Cove on Sept. 25.

Joyce Ann Willoughby Del Torto, 76

Joyce Ann Willoughby Del Torto of Florida, formerly of Oak Bluffs, died Sept. 26 at the Royal Cotuit Nursing Home in Mashpee.

Linda Chase Marvin Hastie, 82

Linda Chase Marvin Hastie died peacefully at home on Sept. 10 after a long illness, surrounded by family and friends.

Charles Chapman, 75

Charles (Chappy) Chapman of East Burke, Vt., died suddenly on May 26, 2019.

Sam Nussbaum, 73

Sam Nussbaum, physician, researcher, professor, beloved husband, father and grandfather, died Sept. 23 in Oak Bluffs.

Elliot Reed Morss, 82

Elliott (Buzz) Reed Morss died of cancer on Sept. 16 at his home in Lenox with his wife Kathy by his side.
