Carousel sounds of the Flying Horses provide soundtrack to Oak Bluffs evenings. Tim Johnson

Sunday, August 25, 2024

The last days of August remain, perfect beach hours to touch up a tan or, for the late vacationer, to hastily acquire one. But the sun is low even after it has heated the morning, and when the hot golden days recede, the shadows are early and long.

As the fires of the sky die past Gay Head and the soft clouds of evening turn improbable shades of pink, it's time for a sweater that hasn't been out of the closet since spring. Keep that sweater handy for your first cup of coffee on the deck in the morning. It's still summer, no mistake about it, but it's summer that sees its own end.

The time has come for migratory birds to pack their bags, and migratory people as well. Labor Day is early this year, just a week away, and those cool night breezes are blowing new days our way. August is down to its final ticks. Soon children will be in school again and the fishing derby will be the only topic, the traffic will ease at Five Corners and the Triangle, it will be possible to stroll along Circuit avenue without having to step into the street to avoid the jostle, and the fine clean air will begin to smell of autumn.


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