The basketballs and bleachers at the Tisbury School were put away Saturday in favor of ghoulish figures and ghastly spiders. The annual Hallwoeen fundraiser benefits the eights grade class trip.

October 31, 2012

Kite surfers gathered on the Vineyard to participate in the North American Speed Sailing Championship Invitational. Here they raced on Sengekontacket Pond.

October 30, 2012

Though the Island was spared the brunt of Hurricane Sandy, it brought with it high winds and powerful surf and left in its wake severe erosion, especially on south-facing shorelines.

October 30, 2012

High winds and waves associated with Hurricane Sandy rolled into town Monday, toppling occassional tree, prompting road closures and flooding low-lying areas in Edgartown, Oak Bluffs, Vineyard Haven and Menemsha.

October 29, 2012

The busy Five Corners intersection was flooded and the Black Dog pier damaged as Tisbury harbor surged and churned from Sandy's impact.

October 29, 2012

Waves crashing over the seawall created a dramatic backdrop for Sandy's arrival.

October 29, 2012

Dock Street was just one of many streets flooded by the high wind and water caused by Hurricane Sandy.

October 29, 2012

Lucy Vincent and Squibnocket Beaches took a beating as Hurricane Sandy rolled into town with high surf and eroding waves.

October 29, 2012

High surf in the aftermath of Sandy beckoned surfers to stormy Aquinnah beaches, where surf crashed onto beaches and overwashed in many areas onto dunes. 

October 29, 2012

Waters are rising in portions of Edgartown, Vineyard Haven and Oak Bluffs as strong winds associated with Hurricane Sandy move into the region.  Residents are urged to stay off the roadways; Beach Road, Sea View Avenue, Dock Street and Five Corners have all been closed due to flooding, with more

October 29, 2012

Islanders battened down the hatches, moved their boats to higher, dryer ground and boarded up windows Sunday as the sky turned gray and winds picked up in advance of Hurricane Sandy's arrival.

October 28, 2012

The Martha's Vineyard Commission has released a series of inundation maps, which indicate areas at high risk of flooding during the upcoming storm. Those who are located in the at-risk areas are encouraged to take proper precautions, including relocating to higher ground.

October 28, 2012

Forecasters continued to sound warnings Saturday about a very large and dangerous storm that is expected to combine with another weather system and lash a large coastal area from the Carolinas to Southern New England with high winds, heavy rains and extreme flooding and high tides.

October 27, 2012

Newborn piglets, water buffalo and laying hens are just some of the latest additions to the Katama farm.

October 26, 2012

It's not just pumpkins that are turning the streets of Vineyard Haven the official color of the season.

October 25, 2012

Breeds of all types enjoy a romp at the Trade Winds preserve in Oak Bluffs.

October 25, 2012
