Chilmark School students gathered at Coast Guard Station Menemsha, where Coast Guard officers spoke and then joined them on the march down to the harbor. Students read prepared words, performed Taps and tossed flowers into the sea to remember the fallen.

May 28, 2021

Breaking from their tradition of marching to Vineyard Haven harbor, Tisbury School students took time out in the school yard to honor fallen veterans as Memorial Day weekend begins.

May 28, 2021

After 15 months of pandemic lockdown, the Vineyard is readying for its first full Memorial Day reopening in two years

May 27, 2021

Chilmark voters approved an $11 million project to build a joint firehouse and EMS building and breezed through a flurry of school spending articles and capital improvement projects at their annual town meeting.

May 27, 2021

May arrives as do more seasonal migrants. A rare sighting of a golden crowned sparrow is reported, the first since 66 years ago.

May 24, 2021

Edgartown voters approved a $3 million project to overhaul Memorial Wharf and agreed to move forward with a project to install electric VTA bus chargers on Church street.

May 23, 2021

More than midway through May and milder weather is near. Vineyard weekends have been bustling, and in only a week it's Memorial Day weekend.

May 23, 2021

Tucked away in the woods of West Tisbury, the Polly Hill Arboretum has burst into bloom these past weeks. May is a wonderful time to visit and stroll the grounds.

May 20, 2021

West Tisbury voters exchanged spirited debate on both sides of an article asking to transfer a parcel of land to the town’s affordable housing committee.

May 19, 2021

The first few days of warm weather always feel like a gift, especially following a cold, gray spring.

May 16, 2021

Oak Bluffs kicked off the annual town meeting season on the Vineyard. Voters made their way through 46 articles on the warrant with moderator Jesse Law 3rd will presiding.

May 15, 2021

As May deepens, stores and shops and restaurants begin to stir.

May 7, 2021

Green grass and colorful uniforms decorated the West Tisbury School grounds on Saturday as youth soccer emerged from the pandemic strong as ever and a whole lot of fun. 

May 3, 2021

April bows out with a magnificent moon; May arrives in sunlight and expectation.

May 1, 2021

With the flurries that fell this past week, one thing is clear, spring in these parts is a matter of lurching progress.

April 25, 2021

Travel the trails of budding woodlands; stop long enough to notice the changes in old Island meadowlands and in the dune grasses along our never-ending shoreline. At the moment the Island boasts a genuine spring arriving.

April 24, 2021
