Tensions ran high at the all-Island school committee meeting Thursday, as committee members weighed a proposal to open licensed, community-based learning centers this fall.
The all-Island school committee voted Thursday to approve a newly revised reopening plan for elementary schools that will put younger students back in the classroom earlier than expected.
The committee agreed this week to accept a proposal for comprehensive testing for Island public schools, with the question of how to pay for it still to be determined.
School leaders responded this week to allegations of bullying and harassment targeting immigrant students with promises to reevaluate and strengthen their current practices.
The all-Island school committee this week grappled with the question of how the superintendent’s budget is split among Island elementary schools. Discussion was heated at times.
The All-Island school committee voted to certify a $5.9 million superintendent’s shared services budget early this week. The final budget is a 2.35 per cent increase over last year.
In a sharply split vote that came after nearly two hours of polling
among board members, the All-Island School Committee last night selected
James H. Weiss as the next superintendent of Vineyard public schools.
Mr. Weiss, who has been superintendent of the Sanborn regional
school system in New Hampshire for the last seven years, is expected to
take over leadership of the Island's six public schools on July 1,
replacing Vineyard interim superintendent G. Paul Dulac.