Shaky Start
Suzan Bellincampi

George Orwell must have had a shaky sense of humor, since he found amusement in the quaking of the planet. He explained, “A earthquake is such fun when it is over.”

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My Darling Cleome
Suzan Bellincampi

Massachusetts native Joseph Breck got much right in his life.

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Last Stand
Suzan Bellincampi

Plants are making their last (seasonal) stand.

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Almighty Aspen
Suzan Bellincampi

The poets never disappoint.

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The Persistence of Teasel
Suzan Bellincampi

If Salvador Dali was ever looking for a model for a botanical self-portrait, he might have chosen teasel.

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Horse Sense
Suzan Bellincampi

In my house, foraging is a favorite family pastime.

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Ground Cherries
Suzan Bellincampi

Willa Cather seemed to be of two minds when it came to ground cherries.

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Sultry Seaweed
Suzan Bellincampi

Ernest Hemingway knew how to make seaweed sexy.

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A Snails Pace
Suzan Bellincampi

The truth is, for garden snails, love hurts.

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A Sponge Life
Suzan Bellincampi

A walk along the beach last weekend seemed safer than a dip in the ocean, with the triple threat of sharks, siphonophores (man-of-wars), and cyanobacteria.

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