Charles A. Bartholomy, a seasoned professional fishing captain and former syndicated outdoor columnist, presents Fish Story Extraordinary on Friday, July 17, at 4 p.m. at the Federated Church Parish House in Edgartown
Mr. Bartholomy combines corporate and political intrigue with an American CEO’s quest for success in Cuba’s annual Hemingway Blue Marlin Tournament in his latest book, The Blue.
This Thursday, all are invited to a reading and signing for a book is titled Airlift to America: How Barack Obama Sr, John F. Kennedy, Tom Mboya and 800 East African Students Changed Their World and Ours, written by Tom Shachtman with a foreword by Harry Belafonte. The event Thursday, August 27, from 5 to 7 p.m. at Midnight Farm in Vineyard Haven. Mr. Shachtman will be introduced by Cora Weiss of Aquinnah, who was executive director of the foundation that administered the unique initiative from 1959 to 1963.
On Wednesday, Sept. 1, Nanucket’s award-winning author Connor Gifford will be on the Vineyard to speak before the 300 teachers of the Martha’s Vineyard school system at the invitation of assistant superintendent Laurie Halt.
Mr. Gifford also will be at Edgartown Books on Wednesday from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. to sign his hit book, America According to Connor Gifford, with co-author Victora Harris.
Tom Dunlop will speak about his new book Schooner: Building a Wooden Boat on Martha’s Vineyard at the Chilmark Public Library on Wednesday, Sept. 8 at 5:30 p.m.
Cruising World, in its June 2010 issue wrote: “It was the most festive launch in more than a generation: the christening of Rebecca of Vineyard Haven, a 60-foot, 76,000-pound schooner designed and built, plank on frame, at the Gannon & Benjamin Marine Railway, one of the leading traditional boatbuilding yards on the U.S. continent.
BACKING INTO FORWARD. By Jules Feiffer. Nan. A. Talese / Doubleday, 2010. 464 pages, photographs. $30 hardcover.
Jules Feiffer is one of our icons in the hall of fame that includes Mike Wallace, Beverly Sills, Bill Styron and Walter Cronkite. Island icons are colossi in the big wide world, and brand-makers of the Vineyard as a place that harbors the rich and famous and give-backers to the community. The billionaires who build bulgy houses come and go.
Pulitzer prize-winning film critic Joe Morgenstern will present an evening of conversation about the movie industry, at the Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center on Thursday, August 12.
Mr. Morgenstern has entitled his talk Quo Vadis — Not the Movie, the Movies, and he promises “an extended and informal conversation with the audience (their questions and my answers, plus some hopefully relevant stories and selected snippets of gossip”) about the state of the movies and where they seem to be going.”
If you’ve ever watched Larry David’s hilarious HBO sitcom, Curb Your Enthusiasm, you’ll know the last person you’d want giving you a ride on Island roads is Mr. David himself. The whole gist of each of his episodes is, “I work hard at being unlikable.” Nonetheless, when Paul Samuel Dolman spent a recent summer rambling around our shores, a nondescript car slowed down, an older, bald guy with sunglasses peered out and asked if he needed a lift.
Columbia University professor and former provost Jonathan Cole will discuss The Great American University: Its Rise to Preeminence, Its Indispensable National Role and Why It Must Be Protected, on Thursday, August 12, at 8 p.m. at Chilmark Community Center