Edgartown selectmen have tentatively called a meeting for May 4 to consider candidates for the town’s next police chief, when interim police chief Jack Collins is expected to make his recommendations.
The board reviewed three requests for shade tree removal at their meeting Monday, including on South Summer street. In Edgartown, trees that stand within a public way cannot be removed without a hearing in front of the selectmen.
In response to an unanticipated surge in enrollment, the Edgartown School will add another kindergarten class this fall.
There are currently 46 students signed up for kindergarten, and more could register before September, said principal John Stevens in his petition for selectmen support at their weekly meeting Monday.
Town issues, including boats left at town landings and cell phone service on Chappaquiddick, were discussed at the Edgartown selectmen's meeting on Monday.
The Edgartown selectmen have approved a license for a new seasonal liquor store in Edgartown. The new store will take the place of Town Provisions on Mayhew Lane.
Some people crave the spotlight. Peter O. Bettencourt is not among
"Oh, God," Mr. Bettencourt muttered Monday, when Arthur
Smadbeck, chairman of the Edgartown selectmen, let it be known that the
selectmen had a memento of appreciation for their town
administrator's nearly 40 years of full-time work for the town.
Edgartown Selectmen Lead Initiative to Join Ocean Wind Turbine
With Edgartown in the lead, the Vineyard is poised to join with
Nantucket and Cong. William Delahunt in pushing for the establishment of
an offshore energy zone to harness wind, wave and possibly tidal energy
from waters between the two Islands.
The move is a first step toward the goal of making the Islands
energy independent.
A quiet and efficient presence at the weekly Edgartown selectmen’s meetings, Margaret Serpa has spent a long career scrutinizing municipal budgets on the Vineyard.
Born and raised in Edgartown, Mrs. Serpa was a member of the last class to graduate from the old Edgartown High School. She started to work at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School in 1972 and took over as administrative assistant in 1979, a position she kept until 2006.
Edgartown selectmen voted not to suspend the commercial scalloping license of fisherman Richard Morris Monday, going against the recommendation of the shellfish committee at a heated public hearing.