From the March 5, 1954 edition of the Vineyard Gazette: This year it seems to have been the pinkletinks instead of a lion or a lamb, which ushered in the month of March.
It is a fact recognized by all Vineyard people that the Tilton family has produced some of the most prominent and interesting characters of Vineyard history.
From the Dec. 31, 1965 edition of the Vineyard Gazette: As always, the good things of 1965 are likely to remain unremembered and unsung, for the good is usually general and easily assimilated into a universal background.
From the Dec. 6, 1946 edition of the Vineyard Gazette: The cold wave predicted at various times by the weather bureau, at length arrived on Sunday night.
From the Nov. 30, 1979 edition of the Vineyard Gazette: The north end of Tisbury’s Main street will change dramatically this winter, ending the era of the town five-and-ten-cent store when fistfuls of candy were bought for a penny and household trinkets were bagged for two-bits.
An important transfer of Edgartown real estate the past week is that of some 400 acres of land with building thereon located on or near Edgartown Great Pond.