The Vineyard saw a sharp decline in the number of people who took and passed the high school equivalency test last year, following the replacement of the GED with a new exam. In 2013, 27 people passed the General Education Development (GED) exam. But in 2014, the number fell to four.
The Department of Education will offer a new high school equivalency test in place of the GED. The Vineyard high school, which has administered the test since the 1970s, is preparing for the changes.
County to Offer Training Class for Students Seeking the GED
Following the recent elimination of an established general education
diploma (GED) preparatory program on the Island, the Dukes County
sheriff's department announced that it will sponsor GED classes
for Vineyard residents.
Low enrollment numbers coupled with strict state guidelines have
forced the Martha's Vineyard Adult Learning Partnership to scrap
its general education diploma (GED) classes which typically start up in
The decision leaves the Vineyard with no option for people needing
preparation for the high school equivalency diploma - unless
you're an inmate at the county jail.