The definition of agriculture is under scrutiny by the Oak Bluffs zoning board of appeals, as neighbors butt heads with a landscaper operating on a property owned by Goodale Construction Company.
Though there is only one gravel pit on the Vineyard, the issue is not so different from other neighborhood squabbles occurring more frequently all over the Island where action by one property owner impinges on the lifestyle of another.
Goodale Construction can continue to mine for sand and gravel without special permitting from the town, following a vote of the Oak Bluffs board of appeals. The vote overrules the building inspector who said the company had exceeded its nonconforming use which dates to 1948.
The town zoning board of appeals is considering whether or not to require the owners of Goodale’s sand and gravel pit to apply for a special permit to mine new areas of their property. A public hearing opened last week that saw strong expressions on both sides of the issue.
The Goodale Construction Company has long mined for sand and gravel without restrictions. But what was once an isolated, sparsely populated region today includes residential homes. The town is asking Goodale’s to obtain a special permit for its operation.
Simmering tension between neighbors and the owners of Goodale’s sand and gravel pit bubbled over before the Oak Bluffs selectmen this week, who decided to refer the entire matter to the Martha’s Vineyard Commission for review.
Neighbors claim the pit is expanding without permission in possible violation of zoning rules for the area and encroaching on their use and enjoyment of their property.
Goodale’s Pit, the longtime family-owned earth mining business in Oak Bluffs, does not need to be reviewed by the Martha’s Vineyard Commission as a development of regional impact, a key commission subcommittee decided Monday.
Goodale’s Pit, the longtime family-owned earth mining business in Oak Bluffs, does not need review by the Martha’s Vineyard Commission as a development of regional impact, a key commission subcommittee decided Monday.
The MVC land use planning committee voted 10-1 to recommend no review by the full commission, sending the matter back to the town.