West Tisbury to Pull Article on School District Withdrawal
Alex Elvin

In a quick reversal, the West Tisbury selectmen agreed Wednesday to pull an article from the upcoming June 2 special town meeting, asking whether the town should withdraw from the up-Island school district. Two of the three selectmen voted last week to bring the question to voters.

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Up-Island School District Considers Busing Shift
Sydney Bender

The school committee is considering the possibility of ending the district’s tradition of running its own school bus system.

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Finance Leaders Sound Alarm Over Up-Island School Budget
Olivia Hull

The latest version of the budget is just over $10 million, an 8.2 per cent increase over last year. The finance committee and town accountant in West Tisbury say it's too much for taxpayers to bear in the long term.

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Quality of Up-Island Spanish Program Questioned
Olivia Hull

Amid a discussion of tough choices as the up-Island school committee prepares to vote on a significant increase to the district budget, the up-Island Spanish program came under scrutiny Monday night.

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Budget Increase Approved For Up-Island Schools
Katie Ruppel

The up-Island regional school committee voted this week to certify a budget for the coming fiscal year of $9.1 million, a 3.5 per cent increase over last year. Increases can be tracked to money that must be set aside for post-retirement benefits for school workers and funds for Chilmark school renovations. Schools are now required to set aside money to cover the cost of future health benefits for employees who will retire.

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Security Concerns Surface at Up-Island School Meeting
Katie Ruppel

An up-Island school committee meeting to discuss and approve the annual budget Monday spilled into a heartfelt discussion about security in the public schools following the tragedy in Newtown, Conn., last week.

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Up-Island School Budget Jumps 15 Per Cent

Up-Island School Budget Jumps 15 Per Cent


Taxpayers in Aquinnah, Chilmark and West Tisbury will see the cost
of educating schoolchildren rise sharply next year as the proposed
budget for the Up-Island Regional School District goes from $5.9 million
to more than $6.8 million, a 15 per cent increase.

The reasons are much the same as at the regional high school, where
the budget will jump by almost 10 per cent next year. State aid is
dropping, and the cost of insurance is climbing.

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Two Principals Quitting, Adding to Year's Turmoil in the Up-Island District
Chris Burrell

Just six weeks before the start of a new school year, principals at
both the West Tisbury School and Chilmark School have announced they are
quitting their jobs.

Letters of resignation from Elaine Pace and Carlos Colley forced the
Up Island Regional school committee into an unscheduled meeting Friday
to deal with the doubleheader of departures.

"It's fair to say this was unexpected," said Kathy
Logue, chairman of the regional school board.

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Debate Continues on Fair Share in Up-Island School Finances

Debate Continues on Fair Share in Up-Island School Finances


Voters in West Tisbury will need more than a calculator to sort out
the dispute raging up-Island over school costs.

Less than one week after Vineyard schools leaders unveiled financial
scenarios showing that it would cost West Tisbury more than $600,000 in
one year if it withdrew from the school region, the finance committee is
busily crunching numbers and reaching an entirely different conclusion.

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Up-Island Parents and Educators Ponder District's Shaky Prospects

Up-Island Parents and Educators Ponder District's Shaky Prospects


Spencer Booker lives in Aquinnah, and when it came time to decide
where to send his three children for grade school, the choice was
obvious. Proximity was key, so they chose the Chilmark School.

"It was geographical, the closest school to my house," he said. "And
it's a great little school, very intimate, very supportive. All the
teachers know all the students, first name and last. That's the kind of
environment I want to put my kids into for their education."

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