If You Build It: The Loft Helps Lift Island's Music Scene

The Loft has been freshly renovated and is presenting five nights of live music a week.

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Music Goes Mellow for Best Festival

Vineyard musical favorite Kahoots closed their appearance at Saturday’s Best Festival, held at Featherstone Center for the Arts in Oak Bluffs, by noting that they’d just finished “the mellowest set we’ve played in a long time.”

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Island Idols Kahoots: Season Countdown
Remy Tumin

Rob Myers lay down his head at his kitchen table on a recent summer night, hot, frustrated but determined as ever to get the song right.

He listened intently to the sound coming from his computer.

“It’s an A to E flat,” he said to cofounding band member Elisha Wiesner, pausing the song. “Wait, is that a G?”

“What’s the first line of the song again?”

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