Makonikey on Market, Old Hotel Is Doomed
Vineyard Gazette
Makonikey, site of the famous old hotel which was open only for a season some forty years ago, is to be put upon the market by the present owners, Thomas F. Neelon and Roger W. Higgins. Surveyors are now at work laying out lots and streets, in order to have sites ready for building operations next spring. The old hotel will be torn down.
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On the North Shore
Vineyard Gazette
Makoniky Inn, is the name of the new hotel to be erected on that portion of the Island locally known as Makoniky heights. The architects of this structure are Messrs. McKenzie & Smith of 50 Bromfield street, Boston.
The dimensions of the whole building is 96 1-2 feet in length, 63 feet wide at the dining room end and 37 feet at the side where the reception rooms are located. A piazza 10 feet in width extends nearly around the building.
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Guests, in Night Panic, Fled from Makoniky Hotel
Vineyard Gazette
Vale of Disappointments - so might be called the beautiful spot which is known by the name of Makoniky today, for nowhere on the Vineyard is any place where such a number of enterprises have been established only to fail.
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