The determination that a case of measles, diagnosed at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital and later confirmed by state public health epidemiologists was not measles has raised questions about how state and local public health officials work with the hospital and Island doctors.
With more than 600 doses of the vaccine that prevents measles, the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital began inoculating unvaccinated children and adults Wednesday evening, following a confirmed case of measles on the Island.
Martha’s Vineyard Community Services has spent more than a year working on a plan in collaboration with the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital to establish a new short-term outpatient care facility to cope with the problem and provide a new option for treating substance abuse.
The Martha’s Vineyard Hospital was especially crowded on Saturday at the 20th annual hospital health fair. Participants filled the first floor halls, running from the main lobby to Windemere and into the old hospital.
The annual Martha's Vineyard Hospital Health Fair offers an opportunity for free screenings for cholesterol, melanoma, hearing loss, blood pressure and your body mass index.
While the Ebola virus remains far afield, the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital has been preparing to respond in the unlikely event that a suspected case reaches Vineyard shores. An informational meeting was held this week with health care workers.
Islanders experiencing mental health and substance abuse crises are expected to benefit from a Martha’s Vineyard Community Services crisis stabilization unit that will be run on hospital grounds. The so-called red house will be renovated to house the program.