Martha’s Vineyard school leaders are strongly condemning an Island resident for his vulgar outburst at an Oak Bluffs planning board meeting Thursday evening.
The $7 million phase one plan by the high school to overhaul its athletic fields — including a 100,000-square-foot artificial turf main field — has been a flashpoint for debate and controversy in the Island community.
Rising sea levels, beach amenities, downtown vitality and affordable housing are among the subjects that top the priority list as Oak Bluffs begins to develop a revised master plan.
The Oak Bluffs planning board approved an amended special permit to allow development of the subdivision to move forward, with conditions including a $700,000 affordable housing donation.
The Martha’s Vineyard Commission will decide whether to review a long-planned project to repair the deteriorating North Bluff coastal bank after the Oak Bluffs planning board referred the project to the regional planning and regulatory agency.
A hefty contribution to affordable housing and strict limits on nitrogen are the two main elements of a deal struck late last week between the Oak Bluffs planning board and the buyers and sellers of a failed subdivision in the Southern Woodlands.