In the face of growing opposition to a major expansion project at the Martha’s Vineyard Shipyard, Tisbury selectmen voted Wednesday night to send a letter of support to the shipyard.
There are 20 Island selectmen, the vast majority of them over 60. But with the deadline still a month away for filing nomination papers, three young candidates have already declared that they will be running.
Washed out, repaired, reopened and closed once more over a four-day period last week, the Vineyard Haven end of Lambert’s Cove Road will remain blocked off through the end of the year.
The Tisbury harbor master’s fire patrol boat sank at its Owen Park slip in an early October storm because a deck hatch was left unsecured, according to a loss and damage survey.
Tisbury could reap hundreds of thousands of dollars a year from short-term rental property registrations that became mandatory when the state passed its short-term rental tax last year.